Monday, July 27, 2015

Handling our parents

Proverbs 20:20
If a man curses his father or mother, his lamp will be snuffed out in pitch darkness.

📀 As we grow up, we take several steps ahead of our parents - in terms of education, contacts, talents, interpersonal skills or even dressing sense!
📀 We come to a conclusion that our parents are 'old-fashioned' and their words have no practical significance in the modern world
📀 We say their appearance is not good, they don't know how to speak and behave well in a crowd, ....and the lost goes on.... we even don't like to walk with them when we are with our acquaintances!
📀 Our sense of contempt often makes us end up in harsh quarrels and bitter incidents with our parents
📀 Today God's word reminds us to be careful with our behaviour and words with our parents
📀 Perhaps we are liked and respected by all ....but our real character is what we are inside the four walls of our house!
📀 You see, in the end, would not ur children treat u in the same way u treat ur abusive we become sometimes...
📀 Today take time to analyse ur life. Ask God for the grace to understand and accept ur parents with love

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