Friday, February 3, 2012


(Psa 28:1) I pray to You, O LORD, my rock. Do not turn a deaf ear to me. For if You are silent, I might as well give up and die.

Most of the times, even before we ask for our needs, it is provided to us. GOD knows our need and acts proactively to provide, even when we forget to ask. He cares for us and He loves us. But, do we realise the magnitude of His steadfast love? Aren't we trying to find fault with what has been given to us or something that didn't happen according to our wish and liking?

Have you ever thought, what would happen If He becomes silent and stops working for you? What will be your condition, if He becomes silent and don't respond to your call? What would happen if the whole system of nature fails to work?

Do you realise the faithfulness of God in fulfilling His promises and His steadfast love for you by providing all that you need? Do you maintain a good relationship with this loving God? Are you grateful to Him for His protection and provision? Don't take God's love for granted?

Remember the fact: YOU survive by HIS GRACE only. Right from the good air to breathe,  to the good food and shelter you enjoy, everything is been provided by Him only. Don't take things for granted and don't waste the God given resources. Use it for God's glory and to fulfill His purpose. Don't murmur. Remain grateful to Him forever.

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