Sunday, February 12, 2012


(Psa 30:2) O LORD my God, I cried to You for help, and You restored my health.

Sickness and weakness are part of every man's life. Human body will grow weak and tired as we grow old. Sometimes we abuse our body for the sake of pleasure and passion. Bible says, our body is the temple of the Lord and it is our responsibility to maintain it properly. Most of the sicknesses are due to overuse or abuse. We seldom give importance to our health. 

We tend to forget that "HEALTH is WEALTH" and "PREVENTION is BETTER than CURE". Our lifestyle in this busy life cycle is a major culprit for most of the diseases. We all tend to go after junk foods ignoring the God given natural healthy food stuffs. Sometimes it becomes too late, by the time we realise the damage. 

Are you a sickly person? Are you pushing ahead in your life depending on medicines? Check your lifestyle and the food habits. Take time to understand your body. Don't overwork or abuse it. It is your responsibility to take care of your body. Do you give sufficient rest to your mind and body? especially your digestive system? Correct your mistakes. 

Do take the corrective measures from your side. Then cry unto the Lord and ask Him to heal you. By His stripes we are healed. JEHOVAH RAPHA - The Lord our Healer, is capable and mighty. He bore our sickness on His body on the cross. There is nothing impossible for God. Believe in Him. There is power in the blood of JESUS. He will restore your health. 


Please feel free to share your personal experiences on healing by JESUS and the lessons you'd learned by commenting to this post. This will encourage the readers further to grow stronger in the Lord.. 

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