Tuesday, February 28, 2012


(Psa 32:3) When I refused to confess my sin,my body wasted away and I groaned all day long. 

God is Holy and we can enjoy His presence in our life only when we are washed by His blood. This has to be a regular affair, since we error many a times knowingly and unknowingly. When we depend on God, He is faithful to protect us from slipping away back into sin.

If you are arrogant and too much hard hearted to accept your shortcomings, you may not be able to enjoy the peace of God leading to confused mind and situations. Loss of peace will lead to loss in health. Pain will increase and sorrow will surround you. You may get stuck and confused not knowing which way you need to proceed? This is a dangerous situation,because this will make you commit mistakes again and again. Are you going through similar situation?Are you groaning in pain and wetting your pillow in the secrets?

The only way out is to be humble before God, to accept your shortcomings and share everything openly to Him without hiding anything. He is a God who understands you and your feelings. He knows your situations. He can restore your lost joy and peace. He can reconstruct your life into a blessed one.

Are you willing to confess?  Confession is not a religious duty! It is a conscious act from your deeper heart. This should be a regular habit in your life, so that you will remain holy and acceptable before Him.

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