Thursday, February 16, 2012


(Psa 30:7) Your favor, O LORD, made me as secure as a mountain.Then You turned away from me and I was shattered.

The psalmist shares his experience, how he was when God showed favour on him and then what was his fate when God turned away from him.

Dear Child of God, don't ever forget the fact, our well being is in the hands of God. Our survival is solely based on God's grace. When God shows His favour on us, there will be stability at every step of our life. We can be assured of His protection over us and we can live without panic and pain. Yes. We too can be strong like a mountain.

But if we lose His favour, we will be shattered. So always be thankful to God for what He has done, what He is doing and what He has promised. Trust Him and Obey Him. Follow His Instructions and make Him your first priority of Life. He has paid the price for your salvation. He has bought you by His blood. You don't belong to yourself..but JESUS and JESUS alone. 

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