Saturday, August 21, 2010

Restore : Healing

(Psa 41:3,NIV) The LORD will sustain him on his sickbed and restore him from his bed of illness.

# Sickness in any form immobilizes a person.
# Reduces the productivity.
# Destroys the peace of mind.
# Torments everyone with so many questions on the possible fallout.
# It also drains the financial resources leading to instability, debt and so on.

  • R u fighting with sicknesses?
  • Too many medicines leading to a vicious chain of other side effects landing you in messy situations?
  • Confused over what to do next? & where to go?
  • Pain & Side effects bringing an aversion to even continue with the medicines?
  • Unable to move or do the regular duties adding up the numbers in the "Things To Do" list?
  • Sickness worsening day by day, leading to depression?
  • Mounting debts due to medical bills pulling you down to the floor?
  • Vexed in mind? Don't feel like praying or talking to people?

Feel like all your prayers are bouncing back to you without any answer?
Looks like God is silent and is not bothered?
Have u come to the verge of losing all your hope?

Feeling very weak physically or mentally to exercise ur faith in God?


Allow God to take control of your situation. He will use the time and situations to edify you, make you holy and acceptable to Him and will also heal you.

  • is a liar and the father of all lies.
  • is not interested in you having a blessed future.
  • will always show u negative things,
  • speaks words of defeat and destruction.
So, don't give room for the devil to take over.

On the other hand,

God is faithful and steadfast in His Love.
His mercies are new every morning and forever.
He is concerned about you and your future.

Trust Him
  • Ur situation is not difficult for God to handle.
  • Let God fight the battle for you. Depend on Him fully.
  • Cling on to His promises steadfastly.

JESUS is the ultimate HEALER.

Remember the promises of God. No matter what ur condition is, He'll restore u from ur sick bed. Rise up & walk in the name of JESUS

Do u need to share ur sorrows, problems?
Need to confide with someone who will understand you to encourage and motivate you?
Please feel free to be in touch with us by email (
mobile/sms (09840996244)

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