Monday, August 23, 2010

Restore : Health

(Psa 30:2, NIV) O LORD my God, I cried to You for help & You restored my health.

HEALTH is WEALTH. How true it is!.

I remember a beautiful saying which is as follows;

If wealth is lost, nothing is lost;

If health is lost, something is lost;

If character is lost, everything is lost.

See Health is more important than Wealth. But unfortunately, abusing the body has become quite rampant and wealth has sadly taken the first priority in most of us. Neither Health nor Character but wealth has become the most important thing and people are ready to compromise on these two in order to accumulate wealth. This very tendency of "WEALTH FIRST", itself is against God's plan.

What is the pattern of your lifestyle? Is it similar to what is written above? R u also compromising on your health and character to amass wealth?

Remember this..

We all came empty handed and will be going out of this world empty handed.
But each and every person will have to stand before God in order to give account of his life in this world.
R u living right? R u compromising on your character? A little lie, gossip, stealing other's property, cheating others, not keeping up the promise or word, finding fault with others, accusing others...All for petty gains and for hoarding up your wealth...

  • Living a selfish and lavish life without any concern for the fellow brethren,
  • Not bothered to lend a helping hand to the orphans, widows and needy,
  • Over eating having scant respect for the body's health all against God's liking.
God is not interested in these kinds of living..

  • He is not willing to let go of His children. Nor does He permit them to live like this or to continue in their evil ways..
  • He starts correcting His children by allowing failures, sickness and so on..
  • He allows His children to be carried away in the river of problems, failures, sickness, etc..for a while
  • But yet out of HIS ABUNDANT mercy He comes to their rescue..

So, many a times, our sickness is the result of our own faulty living..It is
  • a "speed breaker" to check the rash and fast driving of our life,
  • a "sign board" showing "take diversion" from our crooked paths..
He does this because He Loves us and is concerned about our soul and its salvation..

Sickness at times works like pruning too, to bring us more closer to God & to enjoy the intimate relationship with Him, share with Him openly & grow more in His Holiness..

He never makes mistakes and whatever happens in your life happens for a reason. So don't panic.
  • Check your life today. God might have allowed ur sickness to edify u & transform u to be like HIM.
  • Sit in His presence with fasting,
  • Find out the reason from the Creator Himself,
  • Repent for the mistakes,
  • Submit and surrender,
  • Allow Him to take full control over your life as LORD and KING.
  • Ask Him for mercy.

Cry out for Help. He is a merciful God, loving like a mother, caring like a father.. He will surely show mercy..

He will restore your health back to normal.. Come back to HIM.. Have a healthy living, bringing Glory & Honour to His name.

Do u need to share ur sorrows, problems?
Need to confide with someone who will understand you to encourage and motivate you?
Please feel free to be in touch with us by email (
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