Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Marvellous deeds of God....Read on

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
                          I’m filled with gratitude and exceeding joy to enlighten you of the marvellous things that our Lord has done. You would be happy to know that God gloriously demonstrated his mighty power in the meetings held last Sunday in the shining star church. We had to minister among the youth, children and as well as the church congregation.
                          As I was delivering the sermon, in the morning service, God led me in a unique way. It was an experience like never before. I spoke about- how God can change our life when we put our complete trust in Him. Jacob was a deceiver but when God met him and touched him, his life was transformed. God changed his name from Jacob to Israel which means the chosen one. God delivers us out of the bondages of our past, built by our sins and gives us a brand new life, with the assurance that He will never forget us, but the only condition is that we should not forget His commandments.
                           The move of the Holy Spirit was so intense that many were set free from various problems and were filled with God’s anointing.
                           I would like to share the testimony of a young catholic girl which deeply moved me. She came to that church for the first time this Sunday, by seeing the pamphlet. She had lost her father at an early age. She was very depressed and frustrated and was planning to end her life. She was touched by God’s power during the sermon. She went back, filled with immeasurable joy, testifying that God had done a great miracle in her life and gave her Hope to live, by reminding her that – “you will not be forgotten by Me” (Isaiah 44:21)
                           During the meeting, some of our other team members spent time with the kids of the church. They taught about the love of Christ through various activities like puppet show, story, games, magic show and singing. The kids not only learnt a lot but also had a amazingly joyful time.
                           Following the morning service we got to spend some time with the Church youths. They were vibrant and enthusiastic and had a great hunger for God’s word. The boys led the singing and also conducted few activities for them. I shared on how a young man is important in God’s sight. It doesn’t matter who you are, all that matters is in whose hands you are.
                           We are valuable when we are in the Master’s hands. We have been bought by God and should do what He desires. They had a stimulating time in God’s presence, listening to the practical message. Many re-dedicated their life for the purpose for which God had called them. It was a revitalizing time for them. I believe God will use them in a special way in the days to come.
                          They have graciously invited us again for a ‘one day retreat’ for the youths during the month of January. All Glory to our wonderful Master for His grace. Do keep these events in your prayers.
                          So, thank you dear friends for your support and prayers and for joining with us in knocking heaven’s door. Our Lord Jesus has given us the unwavering assurance that the door will be opened to all those who knock. What we witnessed in this church is proof that God is showering His blessings in answers to all our prayers. Do continue to support and pray for us as we move forward in God’s kingdom building purpose.

                           God Bless You!

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