Thursday, April 14, 2011

JESUS the only way to Eternal Life

(Pro 8:35-36, GW) Whoever finds me finds life and obtains favor from the LORD.Whoever sins against me harms himself.All those who hate me love death.

(JESUS is the only way to eternal life.Anyone who is not with JESUS will end up in Eternal death.Finding JESUS and getting washed by His blood is only the beginning of this great journey towards Eternal Life.We should move away from the sinful nature of this world and grow closer towards the holiness of God everyday.)


  1. Really nice message, brother... Could u please explain more on how to grow close to His Holiness.. Would be very helpful... Thank u.... God Bless u...

  2. God is HOLY and so are we called to be Holy. We cannot become Holy by our own self. But the more closer we go to Him, the more time we spent with Him we will be getting transformed to be like Him.

    Spending time with the saviour involves ur Quiet Time with the Lord preferably in the early morning, reading and meditating His word, prayer & worship etc..

  3. Thank u, brother 4 clarifying.....
