Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Debt guarantee?

(Pro 11:15,NLT) There's danger in putting up security for a stranger's debt; it's safer not to guarantee another person's debt.

(Debt is not a blessing. He who borrows is a slave to the lender says the Bible. So be careful to take loans. The risks in taking loans personally or giving guarantee for other's are the same. Many people have lost their own savings, properties and peace because of this. Pray and plan to live a debt free life.)

Monday, May 30, 2011

Are you trustworthy?

(Pro 11:13,NLT)  A gossip goes around telling secrets, but those who are trustworthy can keep a confidence.

(How trustworthy are you? When others share their confidential things to you, do you keep them without leaking? or do you boast around, gossiping and leak the secrets? Can others trust you and your words? God's children should be like a bank staying away from unethical transactions like gossiping and sharing informations about one person to another. Stay away from this.)

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Don't despise your Neighbor

(Pro 11:12,NIrV) A person who has no sense makes fun of his neighbor.

(Don't belittle or despise your neighbor. Don't make fun of them too. Who knows? They may be the people destined to help you in times of need. Be friendly and peaceful with all people especially with your neighbors. Living a testimonial life amongst your family and then your neighbors is more important than going around to unknown places and sharing your testimony. Be sensible. God is watching you.)

Friday, May 27, 2011

Evil words and Gossip

(Pro 11:9,KJV) An hypocrite with his mouth destroyeth his neighbor. 

God hates the act of gossip. Rumors spread faster than fire and it destroys the lives of many people. The ungodly people destroy others through their words. Words once gone out from our mouth can never be taken back. Analyse your words and character. Are you involved in gossiping? What sort of words do you use to speak about others? Don't be a reason for your neighbor's destruction.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Riches and Judgement

(Pro 11:4,NLT) Riches won't help on the day of judgment, but right living can save you from death.

Riches are temporary. Money will not stay with us forever and is not a valid currency in heaven. Entry into heaven or to escape the wrath of God can never be ensured by the wealth and riches of this world. 

It is the way you live in this world that decides your fate in eternity. Being right with God will ensure a place in heaven. This is possible only when you accept JESUS Christ as your personal saviour and getting washed by His blood. When you go through this process of salvation or born again experience, you are reconciled with God Himself that ensures entry into the eternal place of Joy and Happiness. Are you prepared to meet your God?

Saturday, May 21, 2011

No Empty Promises.

(Pro 11:3,GNB) If you are good, you are guided by honesty. People who can't be trusted are destroyed by their own dishonesty.

(Can others trust your words, promises and deeds? JESUS kept His promises and we too are called to do the same. We should be strong enough in our heart and mind to fulfill any assurances given to others even if we have to face a financial or material loss.Don't make empty promises. Be a trustworthy person.)

Friday, May 20, 2011


(Pro 11:2,HCSB) When pride comes,disgrace follows, but with humility comes wisdom.

(God opposes those who are proud at heart. If God Himself stands against us, there will be no provision for success and blessing resulting in shame. All the hard works and efforts put in by you will go in vain if you don't have the favour of God. But if u r humble before Him, He will fill you with His wisdom. Being humble should be a part of ur lifestyle.)

Thursday, May 19, 2011


(Pro 11:1,CEV)The LORD hates anyone who cheats,but He likes everyone who is honest.

(Following unethical means to earn money & favour is cheating.Taking advantage of people's ignorance, helpless situations & urgency also amounts to cheating.God hates those who cheat others like this.What about u?It is not about what others r doing? It is all about what is acceptable 2 God.When u are honest in all ur ways irrespective of the outcome,He is delighted with u.)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Analyse Your Words.

(Pro 10:31-32,NLT)The mouth of the godly person gives wise advice... and helpful words.

R u a child of God? R u a Godly person? How do u check? One of the things in the check list is to analyse the words of ur mouth.Do u appreciate others? Do u speak the truth? Does your words motivate and help others to come up in life? Does your words bring healing and nourishment to the weak in  faith? If not yes, mend ur ways and continue to live a Godly life.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Do Not Compromise.

(Pro 10:30,GNB) Righteous people will always have security, but the wicked will not survive in the land.

Be right with God and live a Godly life. This may be difficult considering the worldly expectations and standards. But still, don't give up on ur commitment.As a righteous person, you will have the last laugh, since the wicked who give pressure and those who are tormenting you will be uprooted and won't be found.Don't compromise.Be strong in the Lord.

The Lord:Your Strength and Shield.

(Pro 10:29,GNB) The LORD protects honest people, but destroys those who do wrong.

Wrong doers cannot have free run all the time. The Lord is watching over them and He will destroy them. But He is a shield to the righteous who strives hard and suffer because of their honesty. If you are honest, you may go through a tough time in life today.But the Lord will be your shield and strength. He will be there to protect you during your adverse situations.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

HOPE of the Godly

(Pro 10:28,NLT) The hopes of the godly result in happiness, but the expectations of the wicked come to nothing.
  • (We all live with so many hopes for the future.When we don't get what we are hoping for, we get disappointed and depressed. Sometimes we had to face dejection and disappointments in this world. But if we are nurturing our HOPE in CHRIST, we'll never be disappointed. All His promises will come true resulting in happiness. So don't give up. Keep trusting God)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Lazy person

(Pro 10:26,GNB) Never get a lazy person to do something for u; he will be as irritating as vinegar on your teeth or smoke in your eyes.

(We are living in a dependent society where we work for somebody and other work for us.When this chain of action gets disturbed anywhere it creates lot of turmoil. People who are lazy and careless will create this turmoil.So be careful not to be lazy in finishing the work as well as not to delegate work to a lazy person.)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Storms of Life

(Pro 10:25,NLT) When the storms of life come, the wicked are whirled away, but the godly have a lasting foundation.

(Life is a journey having ups and downs with many difficult situations as well as beautiful and cherisable moments. But passing through the difficulties of trials, tribulations, sickness etc and coming out strong will be the real challenge and is possible only to those who rely on God.Others will wither away. Do u stand strong in the Lord?)

Monday, May 9, 2011

Riches without pain

(Pro 10:22,NLT) The blessing of the LORD makes a person rich, and He adds no sorrow with it.

There may be hundred and one ways to get wealth and become rich. Quick money schemes are available in plenty and is a real temptation in these days. But the real source for riches is our Lord Jesus Himself. God's blessings will come packed in His peace. Don't go behind the worldly schemes and get into trouble. But, wait for Him to bless u. He'll be on time.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Don't Slander

(Pro 10:18b,NLT) Slandering others makes you a fool.

(Don't get involved in malicious activities like defaming others, spreading rumors and gossiping about others.No matter who the other person is, learn to mind your own business and always wish good things for others.Bless even those who curse you.Commit all those painful incidences unto God. He'll take care of everything.Don't be a fool by slandering others.Be wise and use ur God given time prudently.)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Encourage Others

(Pro 10:21,NLT) The words of the godly encourage many, but fools are destroyed by their lack of common sense.

(God created this world through His word. This power of creation is given to us also. It is the power of ur tongue. U can make or break, motivate or discourage, revive or kill others with your words. If u say u r a child of God, then ur words should encourage others. Don't underestimate others, neither curse others. Be a person of God's word.)

Friday, May 6, 2011

Don't talk too much...

(Pro 10:19,GNB) The more u talk, the more likely u are to sin.If u are wise, u will keep quiet. 

Don't be too talkative. Anything beyond a limit is dangerous. Even honey can turn out  to be poison, if it is consumed beyond the required quantity. 
  1. When we talk more, we tend to gossip leading to troubles, fights and relationship problems. Too much of talking can end up in putting down others or slandering which is a sin. 
  2. Too much talking will also result in loss of concentration and low efficiency of ur work. U may miss out on prioritizing the right things. These things will certainly affect the career growth, success and blessings. You cannot serve two masters
  3. People who talk much can never keep secrets. They don't have control over their tongue and can never be used effectively by God.  

Even a fool is considered wise if he keeps quiet. Wise people will be more focussed on the job and will be least interested in empty words or unwanted talking. Talk less. Be wise. Work more. 
Be careful with ur words.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Don't be a Liar

(Pro 10:18a,NLT) Hiding hatred makes you a liar; 

(Man sees ur face. But,God looks into ur heart.U cannot hide anything from Him.Don't nurture revenge inside ur hear? Forgiveness is the best policy to regain ur lost peace. When u smile at others hiding your hatred and grudge against them, it is nothing but deception or hypocrisy liable for punishment from God.Learn to be straightforward and also to maintain peace with all men.) 

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Accept Discipline

(Pro 10:17,NLT) People who accept discipline are on the pathway to life, but those who ignore correction will go astray.

(Dear child of God, when God allows difficulties,failures or suffering in ur life, don't question Him or don't loose ur patience or murmur either. Don't believe in ur thoughts that God has forgotten u and no longer loves u.He is an impartial God. Becoz He loves u,He takes the pain of correcting u so that u can stand before HIM clean and Holy.)