Monday, August 13, 2012


(Psa 52:3) You love evil more than good, and lying more than speaking what is right.

Speaking lies has become so common in today's life. The lifestyle has come to the extent that without telling lies, one cannot survive. For the sake of survival or to have an easy life, people lie without limits.

Because of the instant benefits, people love telling lies than speaking truth. It is no longer a bothering issue. In this process they also influence or compel others to lie, to give a wrong witness, to put a signature hiding the truth etc..

As a Child of God, what should we do
How is your lifestyle
Are you known for speaking lies more than truth
Are you also justifying your act of telling lies
Are you also telling that without lies, you cannot achieve your target?

God is capable of protecting you and is powerful to provide for your needs lifelong. He will not let you down or put you to shame, if you take the first and bold step of resisting the temptation of telling lies. If you are committed to speak only the truth and are strong hearted to avoid telling lies, God will surely strengthen your case and shall do great and mighty things in your life.

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