Saturday, August 11, 2012


(Psa 52:2) Your tongue devises evil; like a sharp razor, working deceitfully

Bible says, Life and Death are in the power of your tongue. The question is 'What are you using it for?" Turn back to see your life's journey and the people you came across, got acquainted, relatives, colleagues, neighbors, fellow travellers, co-believers etc..

What sort of a relationship are you maintaining with them? Were there any instances of broken or sour relationships? Were there any instances of hurt feelings and turmoils? Were there times of misunderstandings and tears because of ill spoken, harsh, cursing, hurting words? Was gossip present in your past as well as present life?

If so, you are in the wrong side of Christian living. As children of God, we are called to be messengers of peace and ambassadors of God. Our God is a God of peace. We are called to build lives in Christ, establish and maintain peace within the families, society and community at large.

If your words are sharp, harsh and hurting, then there is evil in your life. God doesn't appreciate or approve it. Change your words. Mend your ways. Be filled with the peace and love of God. Inflict others with arrows of peace and Joy of the Lord Jesus Christ.  

1 comment:

  1. There couldn't have been a better time for me to "randomly" see this post. Thank you for putting it out there :)
