Saturday, September 15, 2012


(Psa 56:13) You have rescued me from death. You have kept my feet from stumbling so that I could walk in Your presence, in the light of life.

Count your many blessings. Name them one by one. You will surely be surprised to see the number of times, you were rescued by God. How many times you escaped the jaws of death and you were saved from stumbling or falling down?

All these blessings are yet another opportunity given to you to come closer to God, to mend your ways with Him and to start a closer walk with Christ. He is the everlasting light which can deliver people from the darkness of sin and death.

Remember, you are obligated to walk in this light of life, bringing deliverance to the bound and addicted, giving hope to the hopeless, speaking words of comfort and healing the inner wounds. You are delivered to deliver others and rescued to rescue others who are in similar state like that you were once in.

You are chosen and called by God to be His ambassador. God loves you so much.

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