Wednesday, September 5, 2012


(Psa 55:22) Give your burdens to the LORD and He will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall.

Most of the times, when we pray for our problems, we don't have the habit of leaving them to the Lord. We pray and then take them back to carry on, thereby becoming weary and tired of the overload. We feel so desperate to get delivered but we don't have the habit or the faith to leave the problems to the Lord.
Leaving the problems to Him is nothing but putting your faith in action. Learn to leave your burdens to the Lord. If only you leave them to Him, He can give a solution. He is willing and is capable to deliver you from all your problems and worries. He shall not let you down. Just trust Him fully. You will see miracles happening in your life.

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