Sunday, September 23, 2012


(Psa 58:2) No! You plot injustice in your hearts. You spread violence throughout the land.

Smiling outside, but plotting injustice inside is hypocrisy. Are  you like this? You smile and talk well with people on seeing them. But what is your mindset about them? Are you planning evil or plotting unjust things against them? Even if is for the sake of revenge or for fun, God doesn't approve it.

When you do these kind of unjust acts to others, you are also instigating others, encouraging others by being a wrong role model to them. You may not know how many people are following your ways. By your unjust action, you will be indirectly spreading hatred feelings and violence around you and the land. Innocent blood is being shed because of this.

Check your motives and attitudes. Let's always have the mindset of Jesus. Let your words and walk be the same. Don't plot injustice in your heart.

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