Wednesday, March 27, 2013


(Matt 11:28) Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

Are you limping in your spiritual life with bleeding wounds  and with no one to approach for help? Neither to God because of the killing guilt of not keeping up your words and promises made to Him?

Are you struggling with your sorrow filled soul with no assurance of another deliverance from the sinking sinful habit?

Is the devil constantly whispering in your heart that everything is over in your life? Is he telling you that you have come to the end of life and there is no more scope or future? Are you on the verge of giving up on life?

Are you running aimlessly in life seeking for the fresh air of hope and a new life?


He died for you because He wants to take you ashore safe and secure, holy and perfect like Him. He will not despise anyone who comes to Him with an open heart... just as they are.

No one else can understand you and your turmoil better than Jesus. So, come running to Him as you are. Does not matter whether you are dirty or shabby. Come to Jesus. He is waiting to accept you with love.

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