Monday, June 23, 2014



# Meanwhile, I thought I should send Epaphroditus back to you.
# He is a
     * true brother,
     * co-worker, and
     * fellow soldier. And he was   
     * your messenger to help me in my need.
# Welcome him in the Lord’s love and with great joy, and
# give him the honor that people like him deserve. (Phil 2:25, 29 NLT)

% Epaphroditus was
     # the delegate of the Christian community at Philippi,
     # sent with their gift to Paul during his first imprisonment
% Epaphroditus was a multifaceted person filled with the love of Christ. No ego or pride.
% On his arrival, Epaphroditus devoted himself to
"the work of Christ," both
     # as Paul's attendant and
     # as his assistant in missionary work
% He worked so hard risking his life that he had severe illness to the point of death. Yet he remained faithful.
% So Paul is sending the letter asking the church of Philippi to honour him since he deserves honor.

Lessons to learn:

* We should not run behind honor and recognition.
* Instead, with a humble heart, we should focus on the God given responsibilities diligently.
* Reward and honor will come from God in the right time.

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