Saturday, June 28, 2014



# Everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.
# For His sake I have discarded everything else,
# counting it all as garbage,
# so that I could gain Christ and become one with Him. (Phil 3:8-9 NLT)

* Paul one of the learned person, honoured and very religious in following the Jewish custom and law was persecuting the believers of Christ.
* But, after his encountered with God, his life changed completely.
* He started going around preaching about the same Christ who graciously forgave his mistakes and transformed his life.
* The life changing experience he had with Christ made him realise the infinite value of Jesus and His love.
* Paul understood that anything of this world (education, wealth, influence, power etc) is worthless when compared with the value of Christ and His love.
* He counted all his experience, intellect and knowledge as garbage, and was just longing to know more about Christ and to be with Him.

% Lets analyse and find out where do we stand?
% Is Christ the reason for the transformation of our life?
% Is Christ more valuable than all other things of our life?

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