Friday, July 4, 2014



Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stay true to the Lord. (Phil 4:1 NLT)

% We should be people of integrity.
% Being truthful should be in our blood and in our daily life.
% Both before the eyes and behind the eyes of people, we should always remain truthful because, God's eyes are always watching over us.
% Many times, we make promises to God ; but seldom keep it. This is not truthfulness.
% Compromising on Godly values and principles for the sake of worldly things, purposely doing wrong, taking God's grace for granted are other examples for not being true to God.
% So, if we are conscious of the fact that no one can hide anything from God and if we are committed to live a God pleasing life, automatically we will be truthful in all areas.
% Let's analyse and correct our shortfalls.
% Let's remain true to the Lord till the end..

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