Tuesday, July 15, 2014



Not that I was ever in need, for I have learned how to be content with whatever I have.(Phil 4:11 NLT)

% Being content in life is next to impossible for most of us.
% We always long to have more or the latest
% This thirst or craving will never allow us to be settled and give rise to anxiety.
% Anxiety leads to worries and peace-less situations.
% These situations opens the door for most of the diseases.
% The best medicine to tackle this problem is learning to be content with what we have.
% There is nothing wrong in aiming higher or to have the best.
% We should give our best in all that we can do and then leave the rest to God.
% Whatever God gives in return to our best efforts, we should have the heart to accept and should learn to be content with that.
% We should stop worrying and be thankful to God for whatever blessing He is bestowing on us.
% Are you content?

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