Wednesday, February 29, 2012


(Psa 32:4) Day and night Your hand of discipline was heavy on me. My strength evaporated like water in the summer heat.

God disciplines those whom He loves more. Like a father who disciplines his child, likewise our loving God disciplines us so that we can escape the eternal condemnation.

Man looks at the face. But God looks deep into your heart. Nothing is hidden to Him. Even your thought is known to HIm and if it is not correct, you can expect correction from HIm. His level of correction varies from being gentle to hard based on your response. His ultimate aim is to make you perfect and holy.

God's discipline will surely be a tough time to pass through but will do tons of good to your life. So don't murmur and grumble. Rather be polite to accept your shortcomings and mistakes and correct your life, so that your life will be a pleasing aroma to Him. Any correction will be painful at that moment but will bring in lots of Joy and Peace in the longer run. You are not an exception to this.. GOD LOVES YOU.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012




Understanding God's plan for Transforming Leaders

  • Establishing encouraging relationships

  • Overcoming Obstacles to workplace ministry

  • Creative approaches to ministry in the market place

  • Modelling the message in a secular culture

  • Leaving a legacy


(Psa 32:3) When I refused to confess my sin,my body wasted away and I groaned all day long. 

God is Holy and we can enjoy His presence in our life only when we are washed by His blood. This has to be a regular affair, since we error many a times knowingly and unknowingly. When we depend on God, He is faithful to protect us from slipping away back into sin.

If you are arrogant and too much hard hearted to accept your shortcomings, you may not be able to enjoy the peace of God leading to confused mind and situations. Loss of peace will lead to loss in health. Pain will increase and sorrow will surround you. You may get stuck and confused not knowing which way you need to proceed? This is a dangerous situation,because this will make you commit mistakes again and again. Are you going through similar situation?Are you groaning in pain and wetting your pillow in the secrets?

The only way out is to be humble before God, to accept your shortcomings and share everything openly to Him without hiding anything. He is a God who understands you and your feelings. He knows your situations. He can restore your lost joy and peace. He can reconstruct your life into a blessed one.

Are you willing to confess?  Confession is not a religious duty! It is a conscious act from your deeper heart. This should be a regular habit in your life, so that you will remain holy and acceptable before Him.


(Psa 31:24) Be of good courage and He shall strengthen your heart

Courage is what makes someone capable of facing extreme danger and difficulty without retreating. It implies not only bravery and a dauntless spirit but the ability to endure in times of adversity. 

JESUS exhibited this quality in His public life. Though He had His adversaries walking with Him to find fault in Him, He never retreated. He was very clear in communicating His points. He never minced words and many a times He had to face life threatening situations. Yet He was very strong and stood for the purpose of His coming.

Dear child of God, do you have this Godly character. Are you afraid of your future or people around and are you in the verge of making a compromise? Don't do that. Don't loose hope.Take courage in Him and face your future with confidence. He is with you. Take the first step in faith. Then He will strengthen your heart to finish the task, no matter how worse the situation might be. You will be more than a conqueror.
 (Psa 31:23)Love the LORD, all you godly ones! For the LORD protects those who are loyal to Him,but He harshly punishes the arrogant.

Don't be arrogant

Monday, February 27, 2012


(Psa 31:20) You shelter them in Your presence, far from accusing tongues.

Devil is a liar and father of all lies. But, he is also known as an accuser. He  is known for accusing us with lies to God. He will accuse us with our past mistakes and make us feel guilty. He will keep reminding us about our past sins to make us feel bad.

Guilt is a silent killer. Are you being tormented with guilt? Don't feel bad. Remember that JESUS has already washed your sins with His precious blood and He doesn't see you as a sinner any more. For Him, you are a precious and purified child. So don't allow guilt to rule over you.

Be assured that your sins are forgiven and counted no more. Enjoy the freedom of the forgiven life in Christ. It's a new life. It's a free life.

Also, you should remember not to accuse your brethren. Be generous to forgive their mistakes against you as Christ had forgiven your past sins. Try to be in peace with all men. God bless you.

Thursday, February 23, 2012


(Psa 31:20) You hide them in the shelter of Your presence, safe from those who conspire against them.

Wicked people and those who are jealous about your growth and blessing may be waiting for an opportunity to throw you down. They may even conspire against you by telling lies, making false allegations, or devising evil plans to trap you.

Are you living under constant fear because of this? Or are you spending sleepless nights and peace-less days doubting people around you over evil conspiracy against you?

Don't worry. God is in control. No weapon shall prevail against you and no one can overpower you. If you continue to live a God fearing life, He will hide you in His presence.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


(Psa 31:19) How great is the goodness you have stored up for those who fear You. You lavish it on those who come to You for protection, blessing them before the watching world.

GOD's ways are amazing. He takes care of His children and will never put them down before the heathen. 

1. He has stored up goodness for those who fear Him.

Fear for God will reflect in your thoughts and actions. Do you fear God? 

2. He lavishly shows His goodness to those who come to Him for protection and bless them before the eyes of the world which is keenly watching. 

Are you a person who depends on your own self, your circle of influence or wealth and knowledge? If you depend on God for His protection, He will secure you from your enemies, shower His goodness lavishly on you before the eyes of your enemies. He will lift you up before them and make them feel ashamed.

DEPENDING on GOD always matters the MOST. What about you?

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


 (Psa 31:16) Let Your favor shine on Your servant.

God's favour is very very critical for our success in this world. Seek His mercy and favour daily.
(Psa 31:15) My future is in Your hands. Rescue me from my enemies, from those who persecute me.

Do not worry. He holds Your future. He will keep you safe.

Friday, February 17, 2012


(Psa 31:10) Sin has drained my strength; I am wasting away from within.

Sin separated man from God and is still doing the same. As long as we dwell in our sinful ways, we cannot enjoy the Holy presence of God. Without Holiness, we cannot see God.

Anything that is against God's instructions is SIN. It will spoil the mind and corrupt the heart. It will suck the health of a person. Sinful habits and ways may be pleasant for the present but will be a horror in the future. Sometimes it will lead to instant death. But most of the times, it is a slow poison, killing the system without getting noticed outside and when is found, it will be too late.

Are you feeling drained out in your mind and body? Check your life whether you are dwelling in sinful ways or whether you are compromising with small small issues? Are you ignoring small mistakes before God with some self satisfying or self pleasing reasons and justifications? DON'T do that. 

There is nothing called small sin and big sin. SIN is SIN. As long as you dwell in your sinful ways, your future is not secure in the Lord. Leave your bad habits. Throw out anything and everything that is against God's heart. Don't compare with others. But check your life against the benchmark of God. Mend your ways. Start to live a Holy life. God is willing to help you live a holy life.


Thursday, February 16, 2012


(Psa 30:11,12) You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing. You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy, that I might sing praises to You and not be silent.

God dwells among the praises. He has delivered you from the clutches of sin and satan. He has set you free from many snares and dangers in the past. When you are desperate and dejected because of difficulties, trials, failures etc, it is HE who came to your rescue.

Are you counting the number of things that are yet to be answered by God? Are you feeling dejected whenever you get reminded of these pending answers? Don't do that. Instead, try to count all those blessings you had received even without asking from God. He has turned your mourning into Joy so that you will be happy and keep praising Him.

Are you thankful to God? Are you praising Him?


(Psa 30:7) Your favor, O LORD, made me as secure as a mountain.Then You turned away from me and I was shattered.

The psalmist shares his experience, how he was when God showed favour on him and then what was his fate when God turned away from him.

Dear Child of God, don't ever forget the fact, our well being is in the hands of God. Our survival is solely based on God's grace. When God shows His favour on us, there will be stability at every step of our life. We can be assured of His protection over us and we can live without panic and pain. Yes. We too can be strong like a mountain.

But if we lose His favour, we will be shattered. So always be thankful to God for what He has done, what He is doing and what He has promised. Trust Him and Obey Him. Follow His Instructions and make Him your first priority of Life. He has paid the price for your salvation. He has bought you by His blood. You don't belong to yourself..but JESUS and JESUS alone. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

WEEPING through Night, JOY in the Morning

(Psa 30:5) For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime! Weeping may last through the night, but joy comes with the morning.

We are living in the days of grace which is shown to us because of Love. Yes God loves us and He is patient to forgive us, correct us and help us to live a Holy and God pleasing life. He is a God of Love. Yet like a earthly parent He does get angry with us when we fail to listen to Him or when we disobey.

Even though He gets angry for a moment, yet the impact is so strong that puts us into very painful times of weeping and crying. But, when you realise your mistakes and repent, He is faithful and powerful enough to forgive your mistakes and bring back the moments of Joy.

Are you broken and battered because of your sinful past and the sorrowful present? Are you getting crushed by guilt feelings? Are you feeling lonely because of your filthy lifestyle? There is still HOPE for you. If only you realise your mistakes (big and small) and come back to JESUS with an open heart, He will restore your lost peace and Joy. Your weeping will pass away and a new day of JOY will dawn.

Will you come back to JESUS? He is waiting with His arms wide open to receive you.


(Psa 30:3) You have kept me alive, that I should not go down to the pit.

God loves us so much that HE gave His only son JESUS to be THE WAY for us to escape eternal condemnation. Whoever believes in the name of JESUS and accepts Him as their personal saviour will be saved from the eternal fire and shall have the privilege to be with Him in Heaven.

The decision to accept JESUS and to grow in holiness is possible only in our earthly life. Anyone who crosses the gate of death can never come back and will never have the opportunity to revise their decision or to correct the mistakes.

Think of your life. It is by His grace you are alive today. When many who wanted to see this day are no more, we do not know about their relationship with Christ or we are not sure whether they took the right decision to accept JESUS when they were alive. But for you, that opportunity is still open.

If you have not yet decided to accept JESUS as your personal saviour, don't postpone it. Decide today. If you are a child of God, don't ignore the saviour's instructions of HOLY living. Start living a God pleasing life. Keep running this race in this world faithfully till you get the call from above to be HOME..


Sunday, February 12, 2012


(Psa 30:2) O LORD my God, I cried to You for help, and You restored my health.

Sickness and weakness are part of every man's life. Human body will grow weak and tired as we grow old. Sometimes we abuse our body for the sake of pleasure and passion. Bible says, our body is the temple of the Lord and it is our responsibility to maintain it properly. Most of the sicknesses are due to overuse or abuse. We seldom give importance to our health. 

We tend to forget that "HEALTH is WEALTH" and "PREVENTION is BETTER than CURE". Our lifestyle in this busy life cycle is a major culprit for most of the diseases. We all tend to go after junk foods ignoring the God given natural healthy food stuffs. Sometimes it becomes too late, by the time we realise the damage. 

Are you a sickly person? Are you pushing ahead in your life depending on medicines? Check your lifestyle and the food habits. Take time to understand your body. Don't overwork or abuse it. It is your responsibility to take care of your body. Do you give sufficient rest to your mind and body? especially your digestive system? Correct your mistakes. 

Do take the corrective measures from your side. Then cry unto the Lord and ask Him to heal you. By His stripes we are healed. JEHOVAH RAPHA - The Lord our Healer, is capable and mighty. He bore our sickness on His body on the cross. There is nothing impossible for God. Believe in Him. There is power in the blood of JESUS. He will restore your health. 


Please feel free to share your personal experiences on healing by JESUS and the lessons you'd learned by commenting to this post. This will encourage the readers further to grow stronger in the Lord.. 

Friday, February 10, 2012


(Psa 30:1) I will exalt you, LORD, for you rescued me. You refused to let my enemies triumph over me.

This world is filled with people of different mindsets. Good and bad. Righteous and wicked. We are living in a competitive world and the fight for survival is everywhere. Peaceful days of living are becoming a distant memory. The behavior patterns of human beings are undergoing a negative change. People are becoming more selfish and greedy. The fleshy natures are seen more often and people are becoming less sensitive about that.

The social pressures for compromising the Christ like natures are on the rise and most of the time it ends up in earning enmity with others. Are you going through tough times to keep up your testimony in Christ? Are you surrounded by people who are waiting for your downfall or people who are devising wicked snares to pull you down and to destroy you?

Are you afraid of telling out the problems you are undergoing at the hands of your boss, your superiors or any other men? Are you socially, financially and sexually exploited by wicked people? Are you emotionally caged by selfish people who pretend to do good but sucking out the best from your life? Are you feeling too weak and lonely to fight the battle? Don't worry! Don't give up! It is not the end.

Turn to JESUS. Give yourself completely into His hands and allow Him to wage the battle for you. He will reverse every failure into success. He will subdue your enemies and shall make them flee from you in different directions. God will be our refuge and fortress when you are careful to remain in Him. He shall fight the battle for you. You may be surrounded by your enemies, but God will not allow them to triumph over you. The final victory will always be yours.  

JEHOVAH NISSI will protect and rescue you.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Psa 29:11) The LORD gives strength to His people; the LORD blesses His people with peace.

Peace and Strength are blessings of inheritance promised and made available by JESUS to His children. He is the real source of them. But, unfortunately in today's world, people are running behind wrong ideologies and myths in search of peace. We are aware of many sad incidents about people ending their lives, when they failed in their quest for peace.

Different people will suggest different methods to find peace according to their beliefs. But GOD's word shows the true way. That way is JESUS Himself. HE is the way, the truth and life. He has promised His own peace which is above all understanding.

When you enjoy this inner peace you will also enjoy the inner strength to go forward even if the situations around are against you?  When your mind is strong, you will be able to overcome your physical weakness. You will be more than a conqueror. You will have the inner stability to take the right decisions and to stick on to your decisions without confusions. You can be clear about your convictions, only when you are filled with the peace of God.

This world can never give you this peace nor show you the way to find it. Traditional beliefs, religious rites and charity can never give you this real peace from God. No systems and procedures can yield you this. No amount of hard work or smart work or sacrifice can lead you to this. It is only when JESUS is given the first and best place in your heart, can bless you with His peace.

The only way for PEACE & STRENGTH is JESUS. He is the only source. But are you connected to Him? Remain in Him so that you can inherit these blessings.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


(Psa 28:9) Save Your people! Bless Israel, Your special possession.

ISRAEL was chosen by God to be a special nation for Him. God called the people Israel to be His own. He was zealous for them and was faithful in fulfilling the promises He made to Abraham. 

In these New Testament days, we children of God, are His chosen ones and a special possession for Him. God picked us up from the life of darkness into His glorious light by offering the life of His Son JESUS  as the price for our redemption. 

Dear Child of God, you are not an ordinary person. You are very special to God. You are important to Him. Don't feel sad, when your own family despises you. Don't lose heart when you are dumped by your friends and relatives. The stone that was rejected by others became the cornerstone. So don't worry. God can lift you up in the very same place where you had to put your head down. 

Just trust Him fully. Don't listen to the depressing words of the devil. Don't allow others to demotivate you. Always remember the fact, that God loves you and you are a special possession for Him. He will stand for you. Cheer up.


(Psa 28:8) The Lord is the strength of His people and the protector of the salvation of His anointed.

JESUS is our Saviour. He saved us from eternal condemnation by offering Himself as a sacrifice and paid the price of salvation in full. Because of His sacrifice, we are saved now. So, Salvation is the outcome/result of our personal encounter with Him.

But, then Salvation is not the end. The experience of Salvation is just a beginning. A new beginning. This should be preserved till the very end of one's life to enter into Heaven. Sustaining our experience of salvation on a day to day basis is a difficult thing because our enemy is prowling like a lion ready to devour us. 

But the good news is JESUS has promised us that He will never leave us alone. He will be with us all the time. He has anointed us with the Holy Spirit to help us grow in His holiness, to walk in His ways and to live a God pleasing life. Only He can protect us from the snares of the devil. All these things will be a reality, if only we decide to listen to His voice and obey His instructions. 

This basic step of obedience will come only when you realise the fact that with out His grace and mercy, we cannot survive in this world. This sense of absolute dependency on God is a must. Don't be overconfident. Depend on God's mercy and grace to remain protected till the end. He is the protector of your salvation.

Monday, February 6, 2012


(Psa 28:5) Because they do not regard the works of the LORD nor the deeds of His hands, He will tear them down and not build them up.

Many people don't have the fear of God nor do they recognize the works of God. They never acknowledge the greatness of God neither are they thankful for the blessings from God. They seldom realize the importance of God's grace and mercy. They don't give credit to God for HIS help and favour.

They are too confident about their own skills and credit the success to their own knowledge, wealth, power, influence etc. They are too selfish to think about the oppressed and the weak. They are too hard to have soft corners for the needy and the poor. For them, only MONEY matters. They will go to any extend, even to the extent of hurting or killing others to achieve their goals.

They threaten the innocent, use strong hands to twist the weak and tease the meek. They don't bother about God and think that God is not listening or watching. They are the wicked in heart. But BIBLE says, GOD will tear them down and will never build them up.

What about you? Do you recognize, what God has done in your life?. Do you have the fear of God? Are you thankful to HIM for HIS mercies and favour? Acknowledge His hands that sustain you every day and His eyes that are watching over you to protect and to provide you. When you are GOD conscious, you will stay away from the evil and will do good. Don't be like the wicked in heart. Be a CHRIST centered person.

Saturday, February 4, 2012


(Psa 28:3) Do not drag me away with the wicked, with those who do evil, those who speak friendly words to their neighbors while planning evil in their hearts.

Do your words and thoughts match? Are you known for flattering words smooth like honey but quite opposite in your action? That is hypocrisy. Wicked people are like that. They speak nice, soothing words to their neighbors, colleagues and friends. Even while they shake hands with a broad smile, deep inside their heart, they will be having wicked plans to destroy or to harm. God hates this act of hypocrisy.

Many times when you go to church or for a prayer meeting, you sing beautifully, worship emotionally and pray powerfully before others. It gives a great and positive impression about you to others. But when meet your colleagues or  worldly friends, you start speaking their language, crack jokes according to their taste to make them happy and to give them a good company. You change. You are having two personalities.

At this point, if anyone who was with you in the prayer meeting happens to see you or hear you totally different from what you were, they will be mislead, confused or depressed. You'll be a hindrance to them. So, don't act. Don't be a hypocrite.

Also, Beware of those who are friendly to u to fulfill their selfish and wicked plans. Don't partner with the wicked. God loves the sinners, but hates Sin. Be a godly person. God loves you so much. Reflect His qualities into this dark world. You are chosen by God to be His representative.

Friday, February 3, 2012


(Psa 28:1) I pray to You, O LORD, my rock. Do not turn a deaf ear to me. For if You are silent, I might as well give up and die.

Most of the times, even before we ask for our needs, it is provided to us. GOD knows our need and acts proactively to provide, even when we forget to ask. He cares for us and He loves us. But, do we realise the magnitude of His steadfast love? Aren't we trying to find fault with what has been given to us or something that didn't happen according to our wish and liking?

Have you ever thought, what would happen If He becomes silent and stops working for you? What will be your condition, if He becomes silent and don't respond to your call? What would happen if the whole system of nature fails to work?

Do you realise the faithfulness of God in fulfilling His promises and His steadfast love for you by providing all that you need? Do you maintain a good relationship with this loving God? Are you grateful to Him for His protection and provision? Don't take God's love for granted?

Remember the fact: YOU survive by HIS GRACE only. Right from the good air to breathe,  to the good food and shelter you enjoy, everything is been provided by Him only. Don't take things for granted and don't waste the God given resources. Use it for God's glory and to fulfill His purpose. Don't murmur. Remain grateful to Him forever.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


(Psa 27:14) Wait patiently for the LORD. Be brave and courageous.

Dear Child of God, Are you crying in the secrets, because your life is full of misery, frequent quarrels and abuse? Do you feel let down by your own kith and kin, cheated by those whom you trusted the most? Have you lost your confidence and struggling to face tomorrow or the people around? Do you think, it's better to be all alone and take care of yourself without depending on your spouse? Is your marriage going for a negative showdown or a divorce?


BE BOLD AND COURAGEOUS. Leave your messy life into the hands of God and give Him a chance to repair your broken or battered life. Don't rush to conclusions and don't pre close your future. THERE IS STILL HOPE IN CHRIST.   Allow Him to work in your life with an open heart to accept corrections. He will do wonders. Don't get depressed or demotivated by looking at the present. But, give Him a genuine TRY. Don't run before God. Trust Him and wait patiently for Him.

HE will always be on time. No one can stop what God has planned for you. But,are you willing to wait?

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


(Psa 27:13) I believe that I will see the goodness of the LORD in this world of the living.

God has promised His goodness to you. It will bring gladness in your life. When God promised Abraham for a child, he waited patiently for 25 long years with faith. He was not disappointed. God's promises will surely come true in your life, if only you are steadfast and strong in your faith and wait for Him.

If you believe, you will see the Glory of God in your life and you shall be filled with Joy and gladness. The Lord God shall do great things in your life. Don't look at today's pain and affliction to decide your future. Don't conclude your future based on today's experiences.

Look up to God. Remember His promises and renew your trust in HIM. You'll never be shaken.You shall receive a new strength to overcome today's afflictions.