Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Marvellous deeds of God....Read on

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
                          I’m filled with gratitude and exceeding joy to enlighten you of the marvellous things that our Lord has done. You would be happy to know that God gloriously demonstrated his mighty power in the meetings held last Sunday in the shining star church. We had to minister among the youth, children and as well as the church congregation.
                          As I was delivering the sermon, in the morning service, God led me in a unique way. It was an experience like never before. I spoke about- how God can change our life when we put our complete trust in Him. Jacob was a deceiver but when God met him and touched him, his life was transformed. God changed his name from Jacob to Israel which means the chosen one. God delivers us out of the bondages of our past, built by our sins and gives us a brand new life, with the assurance that He will never forget us, but the only condition is that we should not forget His commandments.
                           The move of the Holy Spirit was so intense that many were set free from various problems and were filled with God’s anointing.
                           I would like to share the testimony of a young catholic girl which deeply moved me. She came to that church for the first time this Sunday, by seeing the pamphlet. She had lost her father at an early age. She was very depressed and frustrated and was planning to end her life. She was touched by God’s power during the sermon. She went back, filled with immeasurable joy, testifying that God had done a great miracle in her life and gave her Hope to live, by reminding her that – “you will not be forgotten by Me” (Isaiah 44:21)
                           During the meeting, some of our other team members spent time with the kids of the church. They taught about the love of Christ through various activities like puppet show, story, games, magic show and singing. The kids not only learnt a lot but also had a amazingly joyful time.
                           Following the morning service we got to spend some time with the Church youths. They were vibrant and enthusiastic and had a great hunger for God’s word. The boys led the singing and also conducted few activities for them. I shared on how a young man is important in God’s sight. It doesn’t matter who you are, all that matters is in whose hands you are.
                           We are valuable when we are in the Master’s hands. We have been bought by God and should do what He desires. They had a stimulating time in God’s presence, listening to the practical message. Many re-dedicated their life for the purpose for which God had called them. It was a revitalizing time for them. I believe God will use them in a special way in the days to come.
                          They have graciously invited us again for a ‘one day retreat’ for the youths during the month of January. All Glory to our wonderful Master for His grace. Do keep these events in your prayers.
                          So, thank you dear friends for your support and prayers and for joining with us in knocking heaven’s door. Our Lord Jesus has given us the unwavering assurance that the door will be opened to all those who knock. What we witnessed in this church is proof that God is showering His blessings in answers to all our prayers. Do continue to support and pray for us as we move forward in God’s kingdom building purpose.

                           God Bless You!

Monday, December 6, 2010


Greetings, in the name of Jesus Christ. I am writing this note since I deeply felt in my heart that I need to clear certain things related to our ministry which may look to be a bit ambiguous to you now.

INTRODUCTION: The Lord called me to serve HIM full-time when I was at the peak of my Career (working as Chief Technical Officer [CTO] in a software company and was serving as a full-time Director in the Company Board). He who called me, empowered & equipped me and started using me since 2002 as a full time servant in His Kingdom establishment work under the banner 'THE HOPE". We were doing Holistic ministry in many villages north of Chennai preaching the Gospel, helping people &  planting Churches.

THE CALL:  In 2008, when I was unexpectedly called to do ministry in Karunya, I had to take a crucial decision since, I was already doing holistic mission work in the villages, north of Chennai. A lot of activities and programs were underway, and my family was also in Chennai. Accepting the offer and doing ministry in Karunya meant shifting them from Chennai. Apart from this, there were other questions about how to take care of the ongoing missions and many other related issues. But God confirmed to me that I needed to go and all I did (or could do) was totally surrendering to His will and obey His call. Though it was very painful to leave something abruptly that I was doing passionately and also difficult to shift the family (had to make lot of trips back and forth between Chennai & Coimbatore in the initial days). But God graciously sustained us. Children could adopt to the new setup after much difficulty and so on ..

LIFE IN KARUNYA:  The two years of my stay in Karunya gave me a new perspective in ministry. Now I realize, it was nothing but an intense training in God’s ministry to reach out not only to the illiterates but also to the intellectuals. I enjoyed a good lifestyle with lot of facilities, respectful position (as someone responsible for the spiritual ambiance of the whole campus of 7300 students + 600 staffs and families etc), good monetary benefits and so on which also brought it’s fair share of demands and pressures. But then, I enjoyed God’s immense grace everyday to handle the pressures, to meet the demands of the management, lifting up the morale of the students, giving a new thrust to soul winning etc....

THE RESULT:  To sum it up, It was a very intense period of ministry but a highly fruitful one.. God gave me a big harvest of souls and even today I enjoy the benefit of that harvest in the form of both past and present students calling me up and sharing their problems, asking for guidance, prayers etc

BACK TO THE BASE: I am thanking God for giving me the grace to obey His call to leave Chennai & go to Karunya and also to accept His way of bringing me back to Chennai from Karunya. I shifted back to Chennai by the end of May. Now that I’m back to the base in Chennai, He has enabled me to re-launch the nets into the deep with more vigor and added focus. Many professional friends (particularly passed out students of Karunya) are part of our team now.

REALITIES:-AN EYE OPENER:  Karunya also opened my eyes to see and experience the need of our younger generation which is moving fast into this world & its problems, being easily lead into the deceptions (cunning lies of the devil) thereby getting trapped into the fancies of the worldly myths resulting in;
  • Loss of character, values & ethics, 
  • Addiction & Bondage, 
  • Depression & Dejection, 
  • Relationship entanglements and 
  • Immoral life etc... ending up in suicide. 
  • The lack of knowledge about the realities of life, cross cultural influences towards unacceptable habits due to booming economy, easy availability of unwanted resources has blinded their eyes. 
My heart is very much burdened and bleeds in pain, whenever I think of the young victims of this modern world. These unfortunate developments are happening not only in the urban set-up but also in the rural areas thanks to Media Coverage, TV, Mobile & Internet Revolution. The NEED for ministry among these young people is enormous....Against this huge demand we have the biggest challenge: Scarcity of Godly resources (dedicated & burdened men & women) to work / minister among this generation..

SOLUTION: “JESUS the only Solution” is all that needs to be given to this modern generation at the earliest, before time runs out. This is not possible by one individual or a small group. THE CHURCH should be awakened from its slumber to fulfill this responsibility of reaching our upcoming generation for Christ. Motivate, Energize and Equip every believer to take up this responsibility, is the crux of the great commission of Jesus Christ.

HOW WE WORK?:  As a team of professionals with the God given vision of 
We have started working with this;

Target Group 
(categorized into)

Target Areas of Ministry 
(rural & urban)

1.    Students,

2.    Job seekers,

3.    Newly joined in work &

4.    Recently married.

1.    Educational Institutions,

2.    Open market,

3.    Companies,

4.    Churches etc..

Ministry Channels

1.    Character Building Workshops,

2.    Bible Study & Prayer Groups,

3.    Children’s Ministry,

4.    Leadership Camps,

5.    Church Planting Trainings,

6.    Discipleship Workshops &Seminars. 

7.    Internet & TV programs,

8.    Personal Evangelism & Counselling,

9.    SMS Ministry,

10.  Widows Welfare,

11.  Livelihood Trainings,

12.  Mission Exposure Trips etc..

OUR MISSION STRUCTURE:  To facilitate God’s Kingdom building work in the best possible way, THE HOPE MISSION will be having the following structure (we have organised four groups) in place for Better, Efficient, Accountable &; Transparent (BEAT) mission work following the 3Ps (Praying, Planning & Partnering) model.
a. CORE GROUP: Group of like-minded youngsters with similar vision under my mentoring care to meet as often as possible and work together.
b. ADVISORY GROUP: Senior people with rich ministry experiences & people of credibility in the society but with similar vision for God’s kingdom building purpose.
c. EXECUTIVE GROUP: Full timers in the mission, responsible for implementing the plans, strategies and working in the deep.
d. SUPPORTIVE GROUP: Back up team for us. A wide network who will also own this mission as theirs by;
  1. Praying,
  2. Supporting Financially,
  3. Representing the mission in their locality,
  4. Organising programs &
  5. Being Resource person etc...

I am sure the above mentioned things must have brought in lot of clarity in you about what we do here based in Chennai and what the needs are..

  • WORD4ALL”, a 15 mins Tamil program in Imayam TV (satellite Tamil channel) to teach/share about the need of discipleship and also the message of Hope in Christ Jesus. Every Monday morning 6.30 - 6.45 am.
  • WORD4ALL”, a 30 mins Tamil Program www.prarthanaifm.com an Online FM Channel; Every Tuesdays & Fridays night 8.30 - 9.00 pm.
  • HOPE”, a 30 mins Tamil Program in Gospel Net (Local Christian Cable Channel) of Kanyakumari Dist. Every Saturday night 8.30 pm.
  • Sending the Thought for the day/word of God by text (SMS) under the name “HOPESMS” at 6.00 am daily.
  • Uploading videos, songs, messages and writing blogs in the Internet through:
            * Facebook(http://www.facebook.com/thehope.in)
            * YouTube(http://www.youtube.com/hopemission)
            * Blogspot(http://aneshwithword4mgod.blogspot.com) etc...

  • Working on to create specific channels targeting the needs of the younger generation like “relationship”, “career guidance”, “character building” etc..through a web portal www.thehope.in (under development now).

NEW MISSION CHURCH: By His grace, we are inching closer to the completion of our new Mission Resource Centre/Church in one of our mission fields called “Arumandhai” near Redhills, Chennai. Construction is almost over. Final works like Tiles, Electrical Fittings, Plumbing etc is pending due to financial shortages..We want to finish the same before Dec 18th and are planning to conduct a special outreach Christmas program here on Dec 19th.

CHRISTMAS OUTREACH: Christmas is a season of celebrating the Joy & Happiness in Christ Jesus. He is the greatest example for sacrificial giving and we are called to follow His footsteps. Give and it shall be Given. In this season of Christmas we are sharing the Joy & Hope of Christ to the Slum Children, Rural women folks, Widows & Village Children through various outreach programs including Carols, Short play, Fun with Santa, Christmas tree etc... & providing them Christmas Gifts.

MISSION BASE: By His grace we got a three Bed room Apartment House in the same place where we live. We’ve taken it for rent and are using it for Office cum Media Recording purpose. It also helps us to accommodate the Friends who are helping us in the ministry and also to accommodate any visiting guests of ministry.
                          Media will be one of our keys areas of focus to reach the younger generation. Having our Audio & Video Recording studio is a priority and requests you to consider investing your resources into this area of high demand for producing good programs, messages, short plays, edifying songs etc.








Mission work is a great and intense spiritual war we wage against the kingdom of darkness to liberate the people from the clutches of devil. Prayer is the backbone for this. Your greatest help will be to pray for the missions.
Apart from prayer, you can also support us financially by any of the following two ways

1. Sending DD/Cheque in favour of "THE HOPE" and send to our communication address.
2. You can also do Online/Inter bank Fund Transfer to the following account.

A/c No : 000901056746
Bank : ICICI Bank, Nungambakkam Branch, Chennai - 34

Note: When you do an online transfer, kindly mention your name in the remarks column or please send an email to us. It'll help us in accounting and to confirm receipt.


Reach us by email at:

Reach us by Phone / SMS at
+91 9840996244 or 044 42834464

For your subscription & prayer requests, testimonies/feedbacks/comments etc. by SMS 
+91 9500154941 or 562633344

Reach us through Snail Mail / Courier / Personal Visit at

Looking forward to hear from you..



Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Chosen by God

(1Th 1:4,CEV) My dear friends, God loves you, & we know He has chosen you to be His people.(Yes.U are chosen by God & He loves u. No matter what ur current situation is, whether u r a failure in the eyes of others or rejected by ur near & dear ones. Don't loose hope.Don't give up. God loves u & He has chosen u 2b His own.Cheer up.Ur sorrows shall turn in2 Joy.With Christ by ur side, u can smile at the storm.)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Mission Trip

Dearly beloved, Greetings.

I'm leaving tonight for ministry 2 UP & Bihar(4 days)with a team of nine(including my wife & kids).We'll b ministering among teachers,youngsters,mission churches & students.Sone (Bihar)

Remember us in ur prayers.I also encourage u 2take part in the financial needs 4this mission trip.Do call us back or sms me 2get details on how u can support us.God bless you.In HIM, Bro.Anesh, 09840996244

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

LIP Service : Words & Deeds

(Mat 15:8) These people honour Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me.


Jesus is talking about the double standards of His children contrary to His nature "He is the same yesterday, today and forever". Many a times we are fluent in praising God, making a good prayer, talking highly about the blessings of God.. But in reality our hearts are far away from God...
He is a God who fulfils His promises and He expects the same nature from His children.. Are you His Child? If so, please analyse your life, your words, your attitude and lifestyle..

The way we live before others, the words we speak to others, the way we look and handle things, matters a lot to God. We have only two eyes. But thousand eyes are watching us.. Our Life has to be a testimony showing God's glory and nature, eventually motivating others to start following Him.
Words are the outward expression of our inner self. The thoughts  inside our heart comes out as words. What we believe is reflected in our action. Check whether there is synergy between our words & deeds,  beliefs & action. If not, that shows we are compromising in one or more areas of Life, which will be disastrous to our Hope of having eternal Life. Let's analyse our life based on the following three points.

  1. Lifestyle:
    1. Every available resource of this world is given by God for our comfortable day to day living. He expects us to use it judicially and properly. One side there is hue & cry on Resource shortage, Price rise, Hunger, Inflation etc..On the other hand, people are wasting these resources by their lavish spending or ignorant and careless lifestyle or laziness. Just think of your work place and home.. How many times the Tube lights and Fans or AC is ON when there is no one in the room.
    2. We are talking about poverty alleviation but we are wasting food indiscriminately, justifying the same by our wealth, status or money power. Rs.10 saved is equivalent to Rs.20 earned. "Live and let others Live" is a popular saying.. By wasting things, actually we are robbing somebody else's blessings. 
    3. We are accountable to God for our Lifestyle, the usage of every God-given resources including time.. Let's "walk the talk and talk the walk" for others to follow.. Instead of waiting for others, let's take the initiatives to bring about a change.
  2. Words:
    1. How clean are you in your words? Many Christian believers & church goers are known for their double standards in speaking.. It starts with praising God inside the Church and teasing others outside the church. They worship God by speaking in unknown tongues inside the church but curse the brethren in known tongues outside the church.. What a testimony? Can a tree produce sweet as well as bitter or poisonous fruit? Can a well give both good water & spoilt water?
    2. Do you keep up your words or promises made? Are you known for giving empty promises? Don't give promises for the sake of satisfying others or to escape from a troubled situation. Learn to be honest. It you are at fault, be polite and humble to accept it.. Words given out can never be taken back..
    3. Are you a person who is known for flattering? Sweet words like honey from the lips but heart full of poison?. "Outside butter but inside gutter".When you flatter, you are telling a lie. God is watching over you. Jesus said, "Let your YES be YES and NO be NO. Anything beyond these comes from the evil one". Be careful about what you speak. Bible says we have to give account for every single word that we speak in this world.
    4. Can others trust you for your integrity and honesty? Does your word hold good all the time? Do your family, friends, colleagues & others believe in your words? If not, examine why? As children of God we should be known for straightforward living and truthful words. Our God is a God of truth; we should also be like HIM.
    5. Words can build as well as destroy. What sort of a person are you? Someone who encourages others, motivates others & appreciate even the smallest service done by others OR a person who is always a critic filled with words of demotivation finding fault with others?
    6. We talk a lot about helping the needy, poverty eradication, corruption etc.. But when we come across someone who is really in need, we ignore them..OR most of the times we are ignorant of the needs of our neighbours, own family members, friends, colleagues etc.. Then what is the use of loud talking when we ourselves don't lend a helping hand?
  3. Attitude:
    1. Our God is the God of Creation. He makes things new and His mercies are new every morning. He loves every one. He doesn't discriminate people by their education, colour, caste or creed. But, how about you? What sort of attitude do you have towards others?
    2. Do you adopt different standards for different people, particularly while showing the love of God and care for others?
    3. Do you have a TIT for TAT attitude? Jesus said, "Forgive others, Love your enemies and help them in time of need". This may be difficult, but, this is essential in Christian Living. Jesus did that. He forgave his persecutors and so we are also expected to do so.
    4. Don't be negative minded. Be a person of positive attitude. Personally you may be weak. But, with Christ you can do all things. He is there to help you and to lift you up.
    5. Don't compare your life and your situation with that of others. All believers have to carry their own cross. Your cross need not be the same as that of another person..Let your eyes be fixed only on JESUS..He will not let you down.
The same is also true when it comes to dealing with the Lord..
  • We make a long prayer using many vain words; but after we finished the prayer, we don't even remember most of what we prayed about.
  • We make many commitments and then promptly forget them. Then how are we to put them into practice?
  • We testify about God but our Life has no godliness; Only if we apply our heart into Godliness we can start living a life of Holiness.
  • We have to be a living testimony..Witnessing is not only about standing up and testifying to others.. It is all about living..
More than our words, our day to day life matters the most...

Analyse your life... Come back to God.. Start making a difference

Let there be synergy between our words and deeds..

Don't do lip service to God. But be a true worshipper from your heart through your Living..

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Harvest is plenty

(Mat 9:37)  Then He said to His disciples, The harvest is vast, but the workers are few.

These are the last days...Lord Jesus will come at any moment both to redeem His children and to judge the ungodly.. Knowing this, the devil is working overtime deceiving the people and leading them astray from God. 

% This world has become too fast and the people too busy.. 
% The culture is changing rapidly and becoming a self-centred community.
% The people are working hard with selfish motives and desires not having any time to spare for others...

We are too busy not even having the smallest degree of kindness to take care of someone who is lying destitute on the roadside...bus shelter...street corner.. 
or atleast a small act of kindness of informing the concerned people or authorities...
On seeing such kind of people, immediately the thought that strikes our mind is that somebody else will take care..

Too much of work pressure due to competition, urge to perform well above others, 
for the early promotion and increment etc.. 
Working extra time to earn extra money, to meet the growing demands and needs of satisfying the personal greed of accumulating wealth, more than what we need, under the pretext of social security, not only for us but also for our future generations...

The Net outcome is 
  • Self centered life;
  • Sickness at a very early stage of life;
  • New & more life threatening diseases;
  • Stress and Strain in the family;
  • Broken marriages & shattered homes;
  • Degrading moral values amoung the children etc...

leading to chaos in the day to day life.. 
                             there is no peace at home..
                                                 decreasing Social Harmony & insecure future. 

Bible clearly says: My people perish due to lack of knowledge....
          Yes! The world has ignored the founding principles of God's creation...
                                                   the simple basics of Life, blindfolded by the devil


God is searching for Faithful disciples, who will rise up at this moment of need & crisis heading the Master's Call;

  • to carry the truth;
  • open the eyes of understanding;
  • delivering the people from the clutches of darkness;
  • Setting the captives free;
  • Liberating them into eternal freedom and a future full of Hope in Christ Jesus..

 A very big harvest..but workers are few...
Yes! There is a huge need...Are you too busy for God? 
He is asking, "whom shall I send?.. Who will go on our behalf?"

Will you be that person?.. 

Heaven is calling for you & for me!..

What will be your response?