Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Character vs. Beauty

(Pro 12:4,GW) A wife with strength of character is the crown of her husband, but the wife who disgraces him is like bone cancer.

Character is much much important than outward beauty. A woman of strong character will be a great asset to her husband in building their family together.She is a channel of blessing to the family and thereby to the society.

Marriage is an institution formed by God and Home is not made of Bricks, Furniture, Lamps etc.. It is built by Love, Affection, Care, Sacrifice etc.. Any home which is not built on Godly characters will collapse for sure..

God's purpose of uniting man and woman is to bring out a Godly generation. Even if one of the partners derail from this purpose, the family focus gets  a beating bringing in chaos and pain.

So the starting or beginning is very important for a good happy family life. Starting involves right partners. Right people according to God's plan coming together as Life partners..

BOYS : Don't prioritize beauty over character, when it comes to seeking your life partner.

Not only Beauty, many boys and their parents are going after wealth, money, status etc without giving importance to God's plan, Godly character and values etc.. Most of these families are suffering with disputes, separation, addiction etc.. ending in hopeless living..

All that glitters is not gold is a popular saying. Man looks at the face. But God looks into the heart says a proverb. So it is safe to depend on God than to trust our eyes. Beauty is not permanent. So do not be deceived by the outward beauty..

GIRLS : Cultivate, Nurture and strengthen your Godly characters so that you'll be a real blessing to the family you step in.You are very very important in God's sight to build a Godly family.

Don't be concerned about the outward beauty of fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes. You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God.

Therefore work towards the status of adoring yourself with the Fruit of the Spirit "Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,gentleness, and self-control" which will give you the long lasting inner beauty that can bring in the charmth of Fresh grace of God in you and in your family. 

...................If wealth is lost, nothing is lost;

    ..... ...................If Health is lost, something is lost;

                          .................If Character is lost, Everything is lost...

So set your priorities right. It is better to live in poverty  than to live fighting and fighting in a bungalow. 

"GOD FIRST" should be your goal in life. 
All other things that you need in this life will follow with His protection and care...

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