Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Kindness # Not Wealth

(Pro 11:16,NIV) A kindhearted woman gains respect, but ruthless men gain only wealth.

Wealth accumulated will not be a permanent solution for this worldly needs and is not the real security for life even though it is essential for a comfortable living.Having a kind heart and being kind to others is more important than our achievement in wealth accumulation. People will remember us for our kind deeds. It adds more meaning to our life. So be kind to others.Don't be ruthless.


  1. Reading this post reminded me of mother Teresa. She is known worldwide for her kindness and compassion.People of every religion respect her...

  2. Yes. you are true. People do remember the act of kindness and compassion. That's why so many kings and leaders across the world tried their very best to erase the name of Jesus from the heart and mind of people but failed miserably..
