Thursday, June 30, 2011

Will you stand for JESUS?

(Pro 12:17,GNB) When you tell the truth, justice is done, but lies lead to injustice.

 As God's children we should follow and do justice. This world is corrupt and full of injustice. We are becoming so selfish and caring for other's welfare is no longer a priority. "Accumulate wealth for a secure future" is what the world is teaching us today. 
In order to do that, people are so intensely focused on money and in their quest to earn or accumulate as much as possible in the shortest possible time, the importance of integrity, honesty and values are thrown out. People feel "It is OK to tell a lie as long as it is beneficial to me or to get some job done".  Telling lies and cheating to win over others or to get an undue favor or advantage is considered part of the competition.

Many a times due to peer pressure we are forced to tell a lie to protect others from being caught or to cover up their faults. But the reality is whenever we oblige our friends, colleagues, etc in telling a lie, we are denying justice either to our own self or to the community at large. In the event of denying to yield or to be a part with others, we run into the risk of losing friendship, earn enmity, hatred feelings and unfavorable future. So telling the truth all the time may put us into difficult situations.

But still we cannot compromise on the Christian values and principles. As a Child of God, we are expected to do and establish Justice by speaking the truth and standing for it without fear. You may ask why we should stand for truth even during harmful and critical situations? 

Read further to know the spiritual truth behind this..

JESUS said "I am the truth". So when you tell and stand for the truth, you stand for JESUS. You make Him happy and you are actually lifting the name of JESUS higher and higher. God's name is getting glorified through you. But whenever you tell a lie, you are denying JESUS. You are stamping HIM down

 Do you know?

  1. You have lied, if you'd cooked your resume with fake work experiences and  produce false certificates as proof;
  2. You have lied, if you gave false information to enjoy the Govt. benefits like Free Rice in the PDS, additional GAS Connection etc...
  3. You lied when you sign as a false witness for somebody to get undue benefits or to do a favor in return;
  4. You lied, when you produce fake medical bills to get tax exemption and other benefits from your company and so on......

 Now tell me which one you want? 

HE has given HIMSELF as a sacrifice for us, even when we were sinners. He loved us so much that He accepted us to cleanse us and to make us one with God in HIM. So how do we pay back the debt of His love? Money and wealth as offerings will do no good and can never be equivalent to His love. We standing up for His name as a faithful disciple following His footsteps as a living example is all that HE expects from us.
Will you stand for JESUS?
if you say yes, then determine to remain truthful all the time not worrying about the consequences...

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