Friday, June 24, 2011

No Daydreaming please!.....

(Pro 12:11,GW) Whoever works his land will have plenty to eat, but the one who chases unrealistic dreams has no sense.

When God created Adam and Eve, they had all the blessings inside the Garden of Eden. But when they sinned against God by disobeying, they were thrown out with the mandate of working hard and hard to earn for their living.

Gen 3:17  The LORD God said to Adam, "You listened to your wife. You ate the fruit of the tree that I commanded you about. I said, 'You must not eat its fruit.' "So I am putting a curse on the ground because of what you did. All the days of your life you will have to work hard to get food from the ground. 

 It was painful and still is..

Gen 3:19  You will have to work hard and sweat a lot to produce the food you eat.

But then, there is no substitute for this hard work. If you are willing and committed to work hard, God'll surely bless your efforts and you'll have blessings in abundance.

If you are a dreamer and not willing to bend your back, it'll produce no good. Daydreaming is a by-product of laziness and is a waste of time. 
Sitting idle just dreaming about things you desire, will fetch you nothing. You can dream on and on but it will not be a realistic life. It will only lead you into frustration and depression. It will even lead you into untold guilt feeling over the lost days or months, which can kill a person silently.

So wake up. Get up from your bed.. Move on.. Start working.. Every step you take forward matters a lot towards a blessed future..

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