Saturday, January 7, 2012


(Psa 25:1) O LORD, I give my life to You 

GOD showed His love for us by sending His only Son JESUS into this world. He proved the intensity of His love by offering His Son JESUS as a sacrifice for the remission of our sins. 

JESUS become the way for us to come out of our bondages and addictions. He is the way for a free life. A life which is full of HOPE for eternity with God in Heaven. 

Now is the time for us to show our gratitude back to God. We show our love to our beloved people by giving precious gifts. Something they like and cherish. But God expects more than the material gifts and the offerings. So, what is the best gift you can give back to HIM? What will you give back to show your love for HIM? 

ONLY your life. Your Life is very precious for Him and will be the best you can offer unto Him as an offer of thanksgiving. 

Offering yourself to Him means, surrendering your will to God and taking His will to be yours. Committed to do what He wants you to do. Obeying His instructions without making any compromise. Living a life that is pleasing to the saviour.

Will you offer yourself as a living sacrifice to Him? Will you give your life to JESUS?

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