Thursday, January 12, 2012


(Psa 25:8) The LORD is good and does what is right; He shows the proper path to those who go astray.

Our God is a good God. He loves everyone. He showed His love by offering His only son JESUS as a sacrifice for us. He is a righteous God and is also impartial. 

Right from the beginning of this world, He was instructing us to live a righteous life. When we failed to understand the instructions, He demonstrated the right way of living through JESUS who went around doing good and was preaching and teaching about the way to eternal life.

He loved the sinners but hated sin. He was friendly and was guiding those who were going astray to come back to the right path of living. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is an unchanging God.

Are you confused over too many options and choices in life not knowing which way to go? Don't allow confusions to overpower your mind. Instead, look up to God. Keep trusting Him.

Since HE is the Creator God, He knows everything about you and He always does the right thing in your life. HE knows what is best for you as well as the right timing. Are you willing to trust Him and accept His ways?

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