Thursday, January 19, 2012

God's Way

(Psa 25:9) He leads humble people to do what is right and He teaches them His way.

Without God's help we cannot be successful and holy in this world. We need His grace every day to survive in this dark world. Bible says, our enemy prowls around like a roaring lion waiting for the right opportunity to pull us down. In this kind of tight scenario, we should be really careful and God conscious all the time to keep us away from the filthiness of this world.

Many a times the path we have to travel will be too confusing and hard to decide on the right one. Quite often we are put in a crossroads like situation and are compelled to compromise on the truth. How do we survive these kinds of threat?

Only by depending on God more. He is willing to help us and to lead us through His way provided we are humble before Him.

Are you humble before God? Only then He'll lead you to do what is right in life.

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