Sunday, April 8, 2012


(Rom 4:25) He was handed over to die because of our sins, and He was raised to life to make us right with God.

God who delivered His Son JESUS to the cruel death of Cross, also raised Him from death to be seated on the right hand side of Him. Now Jesus is interceding for us constantly to make us right with Him.

Cross couldn't control Him!. Death couldn't defeat Him. The grave couldn't hold Him!. He broke the back of death and rose again triumphantly to live forever. He is the eternal King. The King of Glory. Lord of Lords. He is Alive. He is worthy of all our praises. He alone is worthy to be praised.

Are you grateful for what JESUS did for you on the cross? Are you right with God the Father? Have you received the new lease of Life which was given to you through JESUS? Are you committed to show the power of this resurrected JESUS in your life? Can others see this JESUS as a Messiah through your living?

Because of the resurrection of JESUS, you can

1. Boldly come to the throne of God to seek His grace and favour. You need not feel guilty about your past life. It was forgiven and forgotten. You are made new in Christ. You are special and have the direct access to God. Make use of it. Build your relationship with Him. Enjoy calling Him as ABBA FATHER with love. Cherish this new relationship and grow stronger in holiness.

2. Be transformed through the resurrected power of JESUS to be like Him. You can grow in righteousness and in Holiness like Him. You too can exercise the power and authority in Christ to take dominion over satan and sin. You are no longer bonded. You are set free. Be bold. Take your authority. Be more than a conqueror. Resist the devil. He will flee from you. Show the power of Christ in your Life to others.

Walk forth in Joy and march forward in life triumphantly. Our Saviour lives. He is not dead. He is alive.

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