Thursday, April 12, 2012


(Psa 35:7) I did them no wrong, but they laid a trap for me. I did them no wrong, but they dug a pit to catch me.

Many a times, we get into trouble while trying to help others. Despite our best efforts to help, encourage or support others, people may still mistake us, misunderstand our genuine intentions or question our motives. It is strange but true, that this world is looking at us with a critical mindset and a doubt filled eye or even worse.. Yes, filled with jealous or evil thoughts, this world may even go to the extend of trying to trap us into some problem or other, so that we are labelled as a criminal.

Hundred and one people may be readily available to criticize our good work, but hardly a few to encourage or appreciate us. No matter how hard we try to do good, we may always be caught on the wrong foot. Every good word may be misinterpreted into a wrong concept giving way to a huge problem in our family, with our spouse or within our peer group. There may be people always watching over us waiting for the opportunity to nail us down and tear us apart.
Is this your condition today? Are you broken because you are caught for no wrong of yours but unethically blamed as the culprit? Are you fearfully walking and extra cautious because of these kinds of people around resulting in too much of stress and strain? Are you facing crisis in your job or the workplace for no mistake of yours? Are you falling sick because of this extra pressure? Cry unto JESUS.

People may not understand you. But JESUS can. He went through similar situations. Take your eyes and focus away from the people and those problems, but fix it on to JESUS. Look at Him. He shall understand you, comfort you and even guide you to come out of this tough situation victoriously. He will make your head lifted up high in great honor. You will not be ashamed. Your enemies will run away in seven different routes. No weapon that is formed against you shall prosper. You shall be more than a conqueror. Cheer up. Be bold and strong. The LION of JUDEA (JESUS CHRIST) is with you.

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