Wednesday, April 11, 2012


(Psa 34:22)The LORD redeems the life of His servants; none of those who take refuge in Him will be condemned.

The Lord is our everlasting redeemer. He is a rock of strength and a fort of refuge. All those who run unto Him will surely be saved. He is their protection and salvation. They will never be condemned. He is the only way to your eternal protection.

Are you troubled, Burdened and peace-less because of your sin-filled life? Come to JESUS. He will never reject you. Come with a open heart of repentance. Come with the expectation of new life. Believe in Him. He shall wash your past mistakes and shall give you a new life. He shall cover you with His robe of salvation. Your future is safe and secure in Him.

But it's your duty to stay in Him. Safety is not guaranteed if you go out of this refuge. If you continue to live waywardly, fulfilling your fleshy desires, you are in danger. Don't leave Him. If only you decide to crucify your fleshy thoughts and desires, to grow in Him, to live in His ways, you will be safe for ever. You will never be condemned.

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