Tuesday, December 4, 2012


(Psa 67:2) May Your ways be known throughout the earth, Your saving power among people everywhere.

Our God is an awesome God and He is almighty, way beyond human understanding. He is all powerful on one side and loving on the other side.
He cares for you and me. He loves you so much and His eyes are always watchful over you. He is omnipresent and is the source of wisdom. There is nothing impossible for Him and He is willing to help you anytime of your life. His saving power is ever present and can protect you in all situations. Just trust Him and call on Him, no matter where you are..

God loves you.


(Psa 66:13,14) I will come to Your temple with burnt offerings and fulfill my vows to You. Vows my lips promised and my mouth spoke when I was in trouble.

Many a times we forget what all we pray for. But God who listens to every prayer is faithful to answer our cries. But we seldom realise this. When we don't realise the blessings from God and particularly the connection between the blessings and our prayers, we don't even bother to give thanks to Him.

Be ye thankful says a word from the Bible. How often do you recollect the blessings of God and thank Him? Do you have the habit of making vows to God during times of trouble and other situations? How sincere are you in fulfilling your vows to Him? Are you faithful in testifying about God's faithfulness to others?

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


(Psa 66:10) You have tested us, O God. You have refined us in the same way silver is refined.

GOD loves us so much that He gave His only son JESUS as a sacrifice to give us the eternal life. Since He is holy, it is mandatory for us also to be holy to be with Him in eternity. Holiness comes by the blood of Christ. But conviction to be holy is through the Holy Spirit, who works in our inner-self to be more holy by sometimes allowing situations of pain, despair, defeat, sorrow, problems etc..

Don't get depressed, when you walk through moments of pain. It is nothing but a process of refining for you to be more holy like Him. Endure it. Come closer to Him. Walk in Holiness. You are too precious for Him to lose.

Friday, November 9, 2012


(Psa 66:9) He has kept us alive and has not allowed us to fall.

We are alive and well just because of His mercy and grace. If at all we are still going on in life, is because of His grace alone. It is His hand that is constantly protecting us and providing us to meet our needs.

Things may not be happening as per our wish. But certainly things are going on as per His will. So be assured that God is in control. Whatever has happened in life has happened only with the knowledge of your Father in Heaven.

So don't lose heart and get depressed because of the defeats and failures. Every failure should be a stepping stone to success. Take the positive things and the lessons learned to move forward.  Life is too short for us to waste it, pondering over the failures. Rather we should learn to leave defeats behind and move forward to achieve great things for God.

Be sure that the Lord is with you and will continue to lift you up. He has kept you for His purpose and be focused to fulfill it.  

Monday, November 5, 2012


(Psa 65:11) You crown the year with Your goodness, and richness overflows wherever You are.

God is good all the time. He is the creator and all blessings are in Him. Riches and honor comes from Him. He is a God of abundance. He likes to bless His children abundantly.

Are you going through dry situations and scarcity in life? Look upto Him. Allow Him to rule over your life fully. Let Him be the Lord of your entire life. When He guides you, you will enjoy His goodness in life. You start to experience the abundant blessings of God.

The secret lies in  complete surrender. Are you willing?

Friday, November 2, 2012


(Psa 65:9) You take care of the earth and water it, making it rich and fertile. The river of God has plenty of water; it provides a bountiful harvest of grain.

The Lord is the source of all things in this world. He knows what you need and shall give them according to His purpose. Like a loving parent, He watches over you and shall provide the need at the right time.

Do not worry about anything. Don't be worried about the magnitude of your need. Our God is all powerful and can meet all our needs in abundance. Keep looking at His face and walk peacefully. You will never lack any good thing.


(Isa 41:14) Fear not, you worm Jacob and you men of Israel; I will help you, says the LORD, and your redeemer, the Holy One of Israel.

Don't be afraid about anything or anybody. Trust in the Lord. No matter how terrifying your enemies are, keep trusting God alone. He is all powerful. He is almighty. He will come to your help. He is your redeemer. He will walk before you and shall set the crooked paths straight. Cheer up. Your Redeemer lives.

Saturday, October 27, 2012


(Psa 65:3) Various sins overwhelm me. You are the one who forgives our rebellious acts.

Are you reeling under guilt feeling because of your past sins and mistakes? Are you feeling bad about coming to Jesus in Prayer and to even talk about your sins? Are you keeping quiet and covering up things before God? God forgives our sins and mistakes. He loves you and can understand your situations and feelings. Don't give room to guilt.

Come to Him with an open heart and mind. Come to Him just as you are. No matter what sort of situation you are in, come to Him boldly. He is the only one Who can forgive your sins and  transform your life.

Thursday, October 18, 2012


(Psa 63:7) You have been my help. In the shadow of Your wings, I sing joyfully.

Singing praises comes out of a free mind. When you are filled with Joy, when you are happy, when you are free from worries, when you are sure that all things are taken care, when there's somebody to manage everything for you and you are given the freedom to enjoy life, your minds starts singing on its own.

But is it possible in our life? Can that be a reality in this busy world? ACTUALLY YES!. It is possible. That's what the Word of God says. Cast all your worries unto the Lord for He cares for you. But unfortunately, we are very weak in faith and we don't or we are not willing to trust Him fully. We are always anxious and tensed.

Try to be free and joyful by casting all your worries unto Jesus. The Lord is our help. He will counsel us, guide us in every step, lead us and will also coordinate things for us. All that we need to do is follow His instructions faithfully. Take some time to be with the Lord every day. Are you ready for this?

Then you can sing joyfully in the shadow of His wings because He will be covering you with His wings and shall protect you and provide you with all that you need.

Saturday, October 6, 2012


(Psa 62:7) My salvation is in God, and God is my honor, my foundation, my helper and my hope.

God is the ultimate resource for all your needs. He is all powerful and is present everywhere. There is nothing impossible for God. Learn to depend on Him for all your needs.

He will never disappoint you. He will never let you down. He is ever dependable and is the only one who can understand you all the time and all your feelings. Is HE your ALL in ALL?

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


(Psa 61:5) For You have heard my vows, O God. You have given me an inheritance reserved for those who fear Your name.

As a child of God you are very very special to Him. Born again in spirit, through the blood of Jesus, the greatest sacrifice, you are transformed from the status of SLAVE to be an INHERITOR. Yes, In Christ, God has given the promised inheritance of eternal life in Glory, to be with Him forever.
What more can we ask for. Unworthy we were, yet because of God's love, you are a chosen generation in Christ. So, be Joyful. Fear Him and live a holy life. Prepare yourself to meet your God and to inherit the eternal blessings. You are precious to Him.


(Isa 41:14) Fear not, you worm Jacob and you men of Israel; I will help you, says the LORD, and your redeemer, the Holy One of Israel.

Don't be afraid about anything or anybody. Trust in the Lord. No matter how terrifying your enemies are, keep trusting God alone. He is all powerful. He is almighty. He will come to your help. He is your redeemer. He will walk before you and shall set the crooked paths straight. Cheer up. Your Redeemer lives

Thursday, September 27, 2012


(Psa 61:3) For You are my safe refuge, a fortress where my enemies cannot reach me.

Yes. God is the only refuge and fortress where we can hide beyond the reach of our enemies. Are you afraid because of the threat to life and property by your enemies? Are you feeling weak and fragile before them? Don't worry. You have a strong fortress in Christ. Just go and hide inside Him.

No harm will come to you. He will send His angels to protect you and to fight for you. Don't fight with your own strength. Allow God to fight the battle for you. Then you will be victorious.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


(Psa 60:4) But for those who fear You, You have raised a banner to be unfurled against the bow.

Are you feeling targeted by people around? Are you struggling to defend yourself against the rain of arrows from your enemies? Are you perplexed, not knowing what to do?

Fear God. He will be your banner against your enemies. He will be your protection and refuge. He will fight the battle for you.

Sunday, September 23, 2012


(Psa 58:2) No! You plot injustice in your hearts. You spread violence throughout the land.

Smiling outside, but plotting injustice inside is hypocrisy. Are  you like this? You smile and talk well with people on seeing them. But what is your mindset about them? Are you planning evil or plotting unjust things against them? Even if is for the sake of revenge or for fun, God doesn't approve it.

When you do these kind of unjust acts to others, you are also instigating others, encouraging others by being a wrong role model to them. You may not know how many people are following your ways. By your unjust action, you will be indirectly spreading hatred feelings and violence around you and the land. Innocent blood is being shed because of this.

Check your motives and attitudes. Let's always have the mindset of Jesus. Let your words and walk be the same. Don't plot injustice in your heart.

Friday, September 21, 2012


(Psa 58:1) Justice: do you rulers know the meaning of the word? Do you judge the people fairly?

Our God is a God of justice and He expects the same from His children too. But today's world has become an unjust place, filled with corruption and is a terrible time for the just to live peacefully. Human values has gone down and people are more self centered that they hardly bother about the welfare of others.

Rulers and judges are also corrupted and is a free go for the rich and strong. Ordinary people are getting unfair judgement because of the influence of the evil and cunning people. The cries of the poor and needy is reaching heaven and the time for the king of kings to take revenge is coming near. How about you?

Are you also into corruption, corrupt thinking, corrupt and immoral lifestyle, abusing your family or friends, living a carefree and irresponsible life? Beware! God is watching. Do justice and be righteous before God and men.

Thursday, September 20, 2012


 (Psa 57:7) My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed: I will sing and give praise.

God is good all the time. He loves you and He desires to bless you. But it is our mistakes and iniquities that slow down or block the blessings of God. Still, His love for you is soo great that He is patient and enduring to see you come back to the first love.

In-spite of our shortcomings and rebellion, He still loves us. What a great love. Sometimes we are allowed to be tested or go through tough times so that we will realize our mistakes and come back to Him. Problems refine us to be better and will make us good children to Him. So be sure to thank God and praise Him even during your tough situations. Let your heart be fixed to praise Him all the time.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


 (Psa 57:3) He sends His help from heaven and saves me. He disgraces the one who is harassing me.

The ever reliable helper is the Holy Spirit. Whenever you call on the Lord for help, He will surely listen to your cry. Don't be afraid of those who torment you.

People may harass you, threaten you and try to strangle you down and to destroy you. But be sure of God's protection on His children. All you need to do is to call on Him in the times of your trouble. Your enemies will be disgraced by seeing the hand of God coming to your rescue and working for you. You will not be ashamed.


Monday, September 17, 2012


(Psa 57:2) I cry out to God Most High, to God who will fulfill His purpose for me.

You are uniquely made and are called for a purpose. That is the purpose of God. You are blessed with specific talents or skills by God for specific purposes. When you are redeemed by Christ, He redeemed you to be His own. He is the owner of your life.

Fulfilling His purpose is doing the will of the Father. Without that you cannot enter into Heaven. So you should be willing and be committed to do His will at any cost. You should not go back, even if you have to face a loss. You should be willing to make a sacrifice.

But it is not possible by yourself. You need the help of the Master. He is willing to take complete control of your life through the Holy spirit and He will lead you through according to His purpose. But, Are you willing?

Saturday, September 15, 2012


(Psa 57:1) Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me, for in You my soul takes refuge; in the shadow of Your wings I will take refuge, till the storms of destruction pass by.

Christian life is a warfare. We need to meet our adversary and enemy throughout and winning over him is a constant act we have to do. This is a spiritual warfare. This should be done in the right spirit with the right strategies. Sometimes we need to face head on and some other time we need to wait and attack. Nevertheless, whatever strategy we follow, we need constant backup and replenishing of energy. The good news is 'God is your refuge'.

Storms may come and go. But always learn to lean on the Saviour and to take refuge under His wings. Yes He gives protection and the right strategies to fight. It is the safest place to hide till the storms of destruction pass by. Take refuge in Him. You will be safe always.


(Psa 56:13) You have rescued me from death. You have kept my feet from stumbling so that I could walk in Your presence, in the light of life.

Count your many blessings. Name them one by one. You will surely be surprised to see the number of times, you were rescued by God. How many times you escaped the jaws of death and you were saved from stumbling or falling down?

All these blessings are yet another opportunity given to you to come closer to God, to mend your ways with Him and to start a closer walk with Christ. He is the everlasting light which can deliver people from the darkness of sin and death.

Remember, you are obligated to walk in this light of life, bringing deliverance to the bound and addicted, giving hope to the hopeless, speaking words of comfort and healing the inner wounds. You are delivered to deliver others and rescued to rescue others who are in similar state like that you were once in.

You are chosen and called by God to be His ambassador. God loves you so much.

Thursday, September 13, 2012


(Psa 56:9) My enemies will retreat when I call to You for help.This I know: God is on my side.

Are you feeling lonely? Are you depressed with the thought that there is no one to care for you, no one is genuinely interested in your well being and so on...? Don't be afraid. God is on your side. He will not let you down.

Have faith in God. The devil knows about your God. But, do you know the power of your God? If only you realize, how powerful your God is and if only you put your trust in Him completely and start living your life boldly, you will see the glory of God. God shall exhibit His splendor and glory through your life for your enemies to see.

Your enemies will vanish and you won't find them even if you search for them. Remember His promise that He will be with you always. YES! GOD is on your side. Cheer up. Be happy and strong. The victory is yours.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


(Psa 56:8 ) You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in Your bottle. You have recorded each one in Your book.

Are you depressed and lost hope in life? Are you upset that God is not responding to your calls and cries? Are you feeling sad with the thought that God is not bothered about you?
Don't be sad. He is watching over you all the time. He knows your pain and agony. The fact is, you are not alone in this weary journey of ups and downs. He is always with you and go through the situations you are going through.

He may look to be silent, blind and not bothered. But He keep track of all your sorrows and even collects your tears in His bottle. He will surely answer your call and shall deliver you. He will set you free and put you on a higher ground. So cheer up. Be assured that God is watching you and your tears.

Monday, September 10, 2012


(Psa 56:4) I praise God for what He has promised. I trust in God, so why should I be afraid?

Are you afraid about your future? Are you worried about how you will manage your life, family or job? Worries will kill your well being silently. It brings anxiety, disturbs your peace, adds stress and strain, change your blood pressure levels leading to various diseases.
How do we handle these situations? Worries will add nothing good to your life. Instead increase your dependency on God and trust Him more. Remember and recollect all the promises of God concerning your future. Count the blessings of God you had enjoyed so far. They will certainly improve your confidence and faith. It will remove your fear.

Start praising God for all that He has promised. Praises will bring more of His grace into your life. It will enable you to enjoy His presence. You shall not fear any evil. God will fight the battles for you and you shall be victorious.

Saturday, September 8, 2012


(Psa 56:3) In God I have put my trust, I shall not be afraid. What can man do to me?

Trusting God and fear of men cannot dwell together. You cannot serve two masters. Either you will be like a thorn to God because of your lack of trust or you will be bold and make Him happy. When God is by your side, you need not fear anyone. Remove the fear from your heart.

No one can hurt you, if you are in Christ. He is your refuge and protection. Real trust is being BOLD, even on seeing your adversaries, with a strong BELIEF that Christ is in you and is around you to protect you against all harms and dangers. Do you trust God?

Thursday, September 6, 2012


(Psa 56:3) When I am afraid, I will put my trust in You.

You cannot handle or face all situations by your self. Naturally when things go out of control and situations look to be beyond your capacity, fear grips in. That's when you need to be more strong and clear. That's possible only when you are connected to the Lord. Instead of looking for more earthly resources, better put your trust in Him and be strong at that moment.

He can do supernatural miracles and can set you free. He will never let you down or put you to shame, if you fully trust in Him.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


(Psa 55:22) Give your burdens to the LORD and He will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall.

Most of the times, when we pray for our problems, we don't have the habit of leaving them to the Lord. We pray and then take them back to carry on, thereby becoming weary and tired of the overload. We feel so desperate to get delivered but we don't have the habit or the faith to leave the problems to the Lord.
Leaving the problems to Him is nothing but putting your faith in action. Learn to leave your burdens to the Lord. If only you leave them to Him, He can give a solution. He is willing and is capable to deliver you from all your problems and worries. He shall not let you down. Just trust Him fully. You will see miracles happening in your life.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


(Psa 55:21) His speech was smooth as butter, yet war was in his heart; his words were softer than oil, yet they were drawn swords.

Many people are known for smooth talking, words flowing out of their mouth as smooth as honey or butter, soft words like oil and will mesmerize the listeners. But deep in their heart they will be having wicked plans and evil schemes.

Bible calls these people as hypocrites. How about your words? Are you also doing this? Are you changing colors as per the situations?  God hates these double standards. Be a person of integrity.

Friday, August 31, 2012


(Psa 55:19) God, who has ruled forever, will hear me and humble them. For my enemies refuse to change their ways; they do not fear God.

Our God is an eternal God and will surely do justice. If you are haughty in heart and are arrogant in your ways, then you are in danger. He may look to be silent, but He watches everything. Fear God and mend your ways, else you will be humbled by HIM. 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


(Psa 54:7) For He has delivered me from every trouble, and my eye has looked in triumph on my enemies

Are you going through oppression by your enemies? Are you feeling the pressure of ridicule over loss/failure? Are you being looked down by others over your situation of rage and resentment? Are you snared by the folly and wickedness of those who are working against you? Are you shedding tears of pain and agony day after day without any relief form your adversaries?

Don't give up. There is good news for you. The Lord can deliver you from all your troubles. Come to Him, Cast all your worries on Him, surrender yourself totally under His authority...

He will lift up your head above your enemies and you will look at them triumphantly.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


(Psa 54:6) Willingly I will sacrifice to You; I will give thanks to Your name, O LORD, for it is good.

Giving offerings and sacrifices to God is good and is very very important. But it should be given out of genuine love for Him and not out of compulsion or out of traditional practices.

JESUS willingly gave Himself for us to be sacrificed for the remission of our sins. Let your offerings also be offered with Love and Joy. Let is come out because of gratitude.  Freely you received the salvation.. Cheerfully you give back to God.

Friday, August 17, 2012


(Psa 53:2) God looks down from heaven on the children of man to see if there are any who understand, who seek after God.

God provides for our needs even if we don't ask them. All those things are happening by default irrespective of whether we ask Him or not. That does not mean that we need not seek Him.

Even if all the physical needs are met, emotionally and spiritually we cannot survive without Him. So, be a person of good understanding. Understanding the fact that we need God and then to seek after Him with all our heart and soul. Be wise. Seek the Lord diligently.