Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Everlasting God watches over you...

(Psa 27:10) Even if my father and mother abandon me, the LORD will hold me close.

YES!, God's love is greater than that of our parents. He showed us His unconditional love by sending His son Jesus into this world. By offering His son on the cross, He proved how much He loved us and how much we are important to Him. He is the same unchanging God and He will never let you down. You are very precious to HIM.

Children are very very precious to a father and mother. They will go to any extent possible to show their love and care for their children. Even if they fail, God will not forget you. HE will hold you close to Him. Be bold and happy. He is your protection and all in all.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Did you talk to GOD today?

(Psa 27:8) My heart has heard You say, "Come and talk with Me." And my heart responds, "LORD, I am coming."

What is your perception about God? If you think that He is very powerful and so very strict, not easily approachable , then you are not right. 

Our God is a loving God who enjoys the fellowship with His children. He longs to converse with you daily. He expects you to be open with Him, sharing your feelings and problems like a friend. He loves to guide you, counsel you and to help you daily. He expects you to depend on Him for all your needs.He is never "busy"for His children. He is always available when you call on Him. 

Are you aware of these beautiful qualities of God? In the beginning, God walked with Adam and Eve everyday and was enjoying a very close fellowship with them until Sin separated Man from God. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. So get rid of those wrong notions you had about God and start enjoying a closer fellowship with Him. HE LOVES YOU.

Did you talk to God today? He is waiting for you!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Confidence on the LORD

(Psa 27:3) Though a mighty army surrounds me, my heart will not be afraid. Even if I am attacked, I will remain confident.

When you live your life according to God's will, He will be watching over you to protect you and to provide all that you need. Even if you are surrounded by your enemies, even if they start attacking you, yet you need not fear because, God Himself will fight the battle for you. He will cover you under His mighty arms. Be Bold. Nothing can harm you.

People may sling mud at you, may accuse you and may even try to put you down by giving false complaints. Yet, you should learn to be strong and confident because God allows such situations to lift you up above them and to greater heights. Cheer up. The Lord shall be your strength.

Friday, January 27, 2012


(Psa 27:1) The LORD is my light and my salvation. Who is there to fear? 

Is God your Salvation? JESUS the word in flesh is the real light. His word is a lamp to our feet and a light unto our path. Anyone who listens to the Word of God and walks by it will never stumble. 

The path you are travelling may be bumpy, hard and full of ups and downs. But still, if you rely on His word fully, you will never fall. You will finish the race in style. You will be victorious. The end will always be glorious. 

When you follow His word, your life will be pleasing to God and He shall be your Salvation. You will fear no evil. Are you afraid of men and worldly might? FEAR NOT. Depend on God. He will be your fortress.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


As a Child of God, you are a very important person. You have the power of life and death in your tongue. (The tongue has the power of life and death.Pro18:21). We are called to be life changers. We are called to create a positive impact in this world through the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ which is THE TRUTH. 

What you enjoy today in Christ should be the experience of others also. This has to be your attitude and you should be willing to do anything for this. This attitude calls for a Selfless Living in Christ. Are you ready for this?

Respond to His call by standing in the gap. Start interceding for God's mercy for your family, friends, neighbors, countrymen etc. It is your God given responsibility. COME and be a part of the PRAYING FAMILY of GOD.

You will be getting tips on how to respond to the Call of GOD, guidelines and prayer points etc.. 

Friend of God

(Psa 25:14) The LORD is a friend to those who fear Him. He teaches them His covenant.

The Creator God longs to have friendship with you. But He cannot compromise on holiness and obedience. Yes, for Him, Obedience and Holiness are very very important. Both these things can be in your life only when you have the fear of God. Do you fear God?.

You can enjoy a very closer and friendly relationship with Him, when you follow His ways. When you please God in your daily life, your relationship with Him will be very cordial and stress free. He will also teach about His covenant relationship with you so that you can honor it.

Are you His friend?

Blessings of God

(Psa 25:12,13) Who are those who fear the LORD? He will show them the path they should choose. They will live in prosperity and their children will inherit the land. 

Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. Those who fear God in life will run away from doing evil. They will be blessed with Godly wisdom. He will counsel them, teach them and guide them to choose the right path. Walking in the right path will be pleasing to God.

When God is pleased with us, all the promises and blessings of God will be fulfilled in our life. God's blessings will bring prosperity without pain. It will stay in our life for our future generations also. Our children will also be established in the land.

So set your eyes not on the worldly riches, but prioritize to live a God pleasing life. Fear God and run away from sin. You will be filled with Godly wisdom. All other needs of this world will be provided by God. Riches and Glory will follow you in the right time.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


(Psa 25:11) O LORD, forgive my many, many sins.

No one is perfect. We all have sinned and lost the glory of God. But without holiness no one can see God. SIN separates man from God. The only way to come back to God and get back the lost glory is through JESUS CHRIST who offered Himself as the sacrifice for the atonement of our sins. JESUS became our way to salvation and reconciliation with God.

But only those who accept their mistakes and only those believe that JESUS is the only way will be shown mercy and grace. YES, when we come back to God accepting our shortcomings and asking God for forgiveness, He will forgive our sins. No matter how dreadful our sinful life is, how filthy our transgressions are if we believe in HIS sacrifice and salvation, He is faithful and righteous to forgive all our sins and transgressions.JESUS will wash us with His precious blood.




(Psa 25:10)All the paths of the LORD are steadfast love and faithfulness for those who keep His covenant and His testimonies.

When you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal saviour and when you decided to live the rest of your life for Him, you came into a covenant relationship with JESUS. The covenant covered by the blood of Christ.

How faithful are you in your daily life in keeping up or honoring this covenant. Staying close to Jesus following His ways and living a God pleasing life is how you can honor and reciprocate this covenant. If you do so, you will also get to enjoy the steadfast love of Christ and His faithfulness in every step of your life.

God's Way

(Psa 25:9) He leads humble people to do what is right and He teaches them His way.

Without God's help we cannot be successful and holy in this world. We need His grace every day to survive in this dark world. Bible says, our enemy prowls around like a roaring lion waiting for the right opportunity to pull us down. In this kind of tight scenario, we should be really careful and God conscious all the time to keep us away from the filthiness of this world.

Many a times the path we have to travel will be too confusing and hard to decide on the right one. Quite often we are put in a crossroads like situation and are compelled to compromise on the truth. How do we survive these kinds of threat?

Only by depending on God more. He is willing to help us and to lead us through His way provided we are humble before Him.

Are you humble before God? Only then He'll lead you to do what is right in life.

Thursday, January 12, 2012


(Psa 25:8) The LORD is good and does what is right; He shows the proper path to those who go astray.

Our God is a good God. He loves everyone. He showed His love by offering His only son JESUS as a sacrifice for us. He is a righteous God and is also impartial. 

Right from the beginning of this world, He was instructing us to live a righteous life. When we failed to understand the instructions, He demonstrated the right way of living through JESUS who went around doing good and was preaching and teaching about the way to eternal life.

He loved the sinners but hated sin. He was friendly and was guiding those who were going astray to come back to the right path of living. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is an unchanging God.

Are you confused over too many options and choices in life not knowing which way to go? Don't allow confusions to overpower your mind. Instead, look up to God. Keep trusting Him.

Since HE is the Creator God, He knows everything about you and He always does the right thing in your life. HE knows what is best for you as well as the right timing. Are you willing to trust Him and accept His ways?

Truth that sets you free.

(Psa 25:5) Lead me by Your truth and teach me,

God is truth. If you know the truth, the truth shall set you free from your bondages, mental blocks, ignorance etc. If you follow His ways you will have life. 

But to know the truth, you should be willing to learn. You should spend time with JESUS the master teacher. He is willing to lead you and teach you. Are you willing to listen?

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Following Christ.

(Psa 25:3) No one who trusts in You will ever be disgraced, but disgrace comes to those who try to deceive others.

Many a times, people think that only the weak and sick or the oppressed will have to go to God. Few others feel, trusting God or following His ways is out of fashion, it is only for old people or olden days.

God's ways may not be flashy or attractive. Following Christ is a sacrificial life and we cannot please everyone. Christian life is a disciplined life. But the fact is, even though it looks tough, the end is glorious. Anyone who trusts in the LORD will never be put to shame. They'll never be ashamed or disgraced.

On the other hand, people who live a carefree life without any biblical base, ethics and values, may flourish on the outside, they may feel like their life is set and strong. Telling lies, deceiving others to move on may be part of their regular lifestyle. But the end will be painful.

The Choice is yours.
Whether you want to trust God and follow His ways or do you want to trust in the worldly ways and live accordingly.

Trust God

(Psa 25:2) I trust in You,my God! 

King David, in spite of being a great warrior, having a well established army was known for his dependency on God. He depended on God for everything. He trusted God more than any other thing he possessed. He never trusted his strength, the size and might of his army, his wealth and knowledge.

That's why God acknowledged him as "the man after His own Heart" 

What about us? Do we trust God for everything every time. Trusting God alone is the key step of success in a Christian life. It is the basic step of being a Disciple of Christ - trusting God alone. Whom do you trust?


(Psa 25:1) O LORD, I give my life to You 

GOD showed His love for us by sending His only Son JESUS into this world. He proved the intensity of His love by offering His Son JESUS as a sacrifice for the remission of our sins. 

JESUS become the way for us to come out of our bondages and addictions. He is the way for a free life. A life which is full of HOPE for eternity with God in Heaven. 

Now is the time for us to show our gratitude back to God. We show our love to our beloved people by giving precious gifts. Something they like and cherish. But God expects more than the material gifts and the offerings. So, what is the best gift you can give back to HIM? What will you give back to show your love for HIM? 

ONLY your life. Your Life is very precious for Him and will be the best you can offer unto Him as an offer of thanksgiving. 

Offering yourself to Him means, surrendering your will to God and taking His will to be yours. Committed to do what He wants you to do. Obeying His instructions without making any compromise. Living a life that is pleasing to the saviour.

Will you offer yourself as a living sacrifice to Him? Will you give your life to JESUS?

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


(Psa 24:7) Open up, ancient gates! Open up, ancient doors and let the King of glory enter.

God has created you and wants to dwell in you. You are created in His image to contain His glory too. But, it is not possible if u don't have JESUS in your heart as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. 

Don't be tied down to traditional bondages and age old beliefs. Don't base your belief on signs and symbols. The times are in His hands. Don't look up to the creation to worship instead of worshipping the Creator. There is no short cut as well as no alternate route to worship God. There is only one way. That way is JESUS. YES! JESUS is the only way to Heaven. Be open to receive this King of Glory and allow Him to rule over your life. Believe in Him. You shall see and experience His glory in your life.

A blessed and Christ centered New Year 2012. May the grace of God be with every one of you and His favour upon every area of your life.

May this year be a year of great Honor.

May God be with you in every step of your life and help you to grow in His holiness and enable you to get ready to meet Him face to face.

Thank you one and all for all the support and encouragement you'd extended in 2011 and for being with us in touching lives and giving HOPE.