Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Do not PRAT.

(Pro 10:8,KJV)The wise in heart will receive commandments:but a prating fool shall fall.

Empty vessels make more noise. Uncontrolled words can create havoc in a community sparking tensions and destruction. He who talks much will work less. Too much of talking can lead you into sin.

  • Don't be like a fool who goes around making tall claims using big words and fooling people. 
  • Don't be a reason for problems among families and friends because of your venomous words. 
  • Don't be a source of evil in the neighborhood or in the workplace spoiling the peace and future of innocent people. 

Your actions will speak much louder than words.Helping hands are better than praying lips goes a popular saying..Are you known for empty words and unwanted talking?  Talk less and listen more. Be a blessing to others. Encourage one another. But STOP PRATING.

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