Saturday, April 30, 2011

Love Forgives

(Pro 10:12,HCSB) Hatred stirs up conflicts, but love covers all offenses.

(With problems everywhere, the prophecy of Jesus about the Last days has come true: Love will decrease. Yes, we are becoming more self-centered and selfish resulting in growing conflicts between individuals, families, communities and nations. We are obsessed with selfish ambitions and goals thereby missing the mark of Godliness and His characters. Kindness is one of the most important character of Jesus and a gift of the Holy Spirit. We don't have time for others, and we are simply stressing out our health to the extreme limits to fulfill our dreams. 

Children dying, poor and the needy being exploited; all for nurturing the selfish dreams of the wicked and strong men is continuously being ignored by the Children of God. We are not bothered even to pray for the same is totally a contradiction to the Christian life expected by God. We have hundred and one reasons for our self-centered life. Because of this Love is diminishing giving rise to hatredness further giving way to conflicts..

But, God loves everyone and we are expected to share His love with one another. Voice out for the oppressed, strive hard to bring peace in the society as peace makers is an important characteristic of a Child of God. Forgiveness will be there where there is true love. We may have to take the extra mile of sacrifice showing His love to others to forgive them and bring peace in the family, place of work, community, church etc.. It is not easy to do this. But still, when we do this, God's name is glorified. 

Freely you received, freely you give! 
Do u have His Love?

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