Thursday, April 28, 2011

Don't follow Crooked paths.

(Pro 10:9,NLT)  People with integrity walk safely, but those who follow crooked paths will slip and fall.

Honesty is the best policy goes an English saying. What we do in our public life and to what extent we are honest in the secret determines our Integrity.If you are a person of Integrity,you might face some tough situations in this corrupt world. People may not accept us. They may mock at us or they'll try to ill-treat us.They may even be a stumbling block to our day to day affairs. But still, if you pursue further without giving up, you will have a solid and safe future blessed by God Himself. The growth may be slow. But surely it'll be steady and strong, well ordered by God.

Those who are crooked and try short cuts to quick elevation in life will surely get trapped and can even fall and perish. Those who are crooked in their thoughts and walks will get caught in their own cunningness. Initially they may grow fast and flourish well in the society. Everything will look strong and successful for them. 

But God's ways are always different. When we look around the recent developments in our country, it is shocking to see many many political and corporate big shots who adopted crooked ways to make money are landing into serious problems with the Law..

God gives protection and stability to those who are honest and straight forward. 
He sustains them and they'll walk safely.

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