Monday, April 25, 2011


T(Pro 10:5,NLT) A wise youth harvests in the summer, but one who sleeps during harvest is a disgrace.

There is a time for everything and if we don't do the right things in the right time it will bring loss and disgrace to us.Moreover, the opportunity once lost, may not come back again. So, we need to be alert and should redeem the time.We are living in the last days and the end time harvest is ready.Jesus taught us to pray, asking God to send more workers for the bigger harvest.

You are chosen by God for this end time harvest. 

If you keep quiet now or if you ignore your responsibility of adding new souls into His Kingdom, you will be a disgrace to God. Don't be silent now. Don't be sleepy. Look up your eyes and see that the fields are ripe for harvest. 

People around the world are longing to know about the true God and are seeking and searching God in their own known ways. The world is desperate to know about their Saviour. Remember the sacrifice of JESUS for you and this world. Get into action. Show Christ to this world by your words and deeds. If you don't come today, who will go tomorrow? 


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