Thursday, June 30, 2011

Will you stand for JESUS?

(Pro 12:17,GNB) When you tell the truth, justice is done, but lies lead to injustice.

 As God's children we should follow and do justice. This world is corrupt and full of injustice. We are becoming so selfish and caring for other's welfare is no longer a priority. "Accumulate wealth for a secure future" is what the world is teaching us today. 
In order to do that, people are so intensely focused on money and in their quest to earn or accumulate as much as possible in the shortest possible time, the importance of integrity, honesty and values are thrown out. People feel "It is OK to tell a lie as long as it is beneficial to me or to get some job done".  Telling lies and cheating to win over others or to get an undue favor or advantage is considered part of the competition.

Many a times due to peer pressure we are forced to tell a lie to protect others from being caught or to cover up their faults. But the reality is whenever we oblige our friends, colleagues, etc in telling a lie, we are denying justice either to our own self or to the community at large. In the event of denying to yield or to be a part with others, we run into the risk of losing friendship, earn enmity, hatred feelings and unfavorable future. So telling the truth all the time may put us into difficult situations.

But still we cannot compromise on the Christian values and principles. As a Child of God, we are expected to do and establish Justice by speaking the truth and standing for it without fear. You may ask why we should stand for truth even during harmful and critical situations? 

Read further to know the spiritual truth behind this..

JESUS said "I am the truth". So when you tell and stand for the truth, you stand for JESUS. You make Him happy and you are actually lifting the name of JESUS higher and higher. God's name is getting glorified through you. But whenever you tell a lie, you are denying JESUS. You are stamping HIM down

 Do you know?

  1. You have lied, if you'd cooked your resume with fake work experiences and  produce false certificates as proof;
  2. You have lied, if you gave false information to enjoy the Govt. benefits like Free Rice in the PDS, additional GAS Connection etc...
  3. You lied when you sign as a false witness for somebody to get undue benefits or to do a favor in return;
  4. You lied, when you produce fake medical bills to get tax exemption and other benefits from your company and so on......

 Now tell me which one you want? 

HE has given HIMSELF as a sacrifice for us, even when we were sinners. He loved us so much that He accepted us to cleanse us and to make us one with God in HIM. So how do we pay back the debt of His love? Money and wealth as offerings will do no good and can never be equivalent to His love. We standing up for His name as a faithful disciple following His footsteps as a living example is all that HE expects from us.
Will you stand for JESUS?
if you say yes, then determine to remain truthful all the time not worrying about the consequences...

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Are you prudent or foolish?

(Pro 12:16,NIV) A fool shows his annoyance at once, but a prudent man overlooks an insult.

Are you prudent or foolish? Know yourself. Irritations are part of life. But how we handle it shows what sort of a person we are. Do you get annoyed very easily and for petty things? In such cases how do you react? Do you show it of in your face, your words or your actions immediately? Jesus bore the grief and pain. He is the perfect model for prudence. Let's strive to be like HIM

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

(Pro 12:15,GW) A stubborn fool considers his own way the right one, but a person who listens to advice is wise. 

Are you stubborn, overconfident and haughty, thinking that only you are right all the time or what you think or say or do only is right? All men makes mistakes. No one is perfect. So change your attitude. Be humble enough to take or consider others point of view also. It is wise and will be a blessing in many a ways and many a times.. 

Note: Listen to an old song (attached) recently sung in a convention. it was a blessing to many. You too can be blessed..  Click here

Monday, June 27, 2011

Words & Deeds should match

(Pro 12:14,GNB) Your reward depends on what you say and what you do; you will get what you deserve.

God is watching over you. He is listening to your words & thoughts. He is impartial and will give exactly what you deserve. No chance of error in judgement. What you speak and what you do should match. Don't be a hypocrite. You cannot cheat God. Live your talk and only then you can be a real witness for Christ. Not only kind and honest words, but your deeds also matter the most.

Note: Pls CLICK HERE to check the photos of the village ministry we went yesterday in one of our mission fields...

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Don't take revenge

(Pro 12:12,GW) A wicked person delights in setting a trap for other evil people, but the roots of righteous people produce fruit.

Take time to analyse your life and check whether you have any of the wicked ways in you. Taking revenge is not our job. God says He'll take revenge on the wicked for the atrocities they commit against His children. So don't think of taking revenge against anyone whether it is small or big. Leave them to God and focus on a fruit filled living.

Friday, June 24, 2011

No Daydreaming please!.....

(Pro 12:11,GW) Whoever works his land will have plenty to eat, but the one who chases unrealistic dreams has no sense.

When God created Adam and Eve, they had all the blessings inside the Garden of Eden. But when they sinned against God by disobeying, they were thrown out with the mandate of working hard and hard to earn for their living.

Gen 3:17  The LORD God said to Adam, "You listened to your wife. You ate the fruit of the tree that I commanded you about. I said, 'You must not eat its fruit.' "So I am putting a curse on the ground because of what you did. All the days of your life you will have to work hard to get food from the ground. 

 It was painful and still is..

Gen 3:19  You will have to work hard and sweat a lot to produce the food you eat.

But then, there is no substitute for this hard work. If you are willing and committed to work hard, God'll surely bless your efforts and you'll have blessings in abundance.

If you are a dreamer and not willing to bend your back, it'll produce no good. Daydreaming is a by-product of laziness and is a waste of time. 
Sitting idle just dreaming about things you desire, will fetch you nothing. You can dream on and on but it will not be a realistic life. It will only lead you into frustration and depression. It will even lead you into untold guilt feeling over the lost days or months, which can kill a person silently.

So wake up. Get up from your bed.. Move on.. Start working.. Every step you take forward matters a lot towards a blessed future..

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Don't pretend

(Pro 12:9,NIrV) Being nobody and having a servant is better than pretending to be somebody and having no food.

Don't pretend or imitate somebody else. Don't try to cheat others wearing different masks at different times like a chameleon. You are uniquely made in the image of God. You are special. Your time and boundaries of life are predestined by God and He knows the requirement of your life. He'll meet your needs as per His plan. Trust Him ad be happy. Be content and enjoy ur life.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Plans of the Godly

(Pro 12:5, NIrV) The plans of godly people are right. But the advice of sinners will lead you the wrong way.

Trust the plans and ways of the Godly even if it sounds unfriendly or against your desires or likings. The evil people may give a convincing answer or idea. It may look very attractive and reasonable. It may have the approval and a huge following of people around. Yet it may not be acceptable to God. Better stick to the ways of the Godly.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Character vs. Beauty

(Pro 12:4,GW) A wife with strength of character is the crown of her husband, but the wife who disgraces him is like bone cancer.

Character is much much important than outward beauty. A woman of strong character will be a great asset to her husband in building their family together.She is a channel of blessing to the family and thereby to the society.

Marriage is an institution formed by God and Home is not made of Bricks, Furniture, Lamps etc.. It is built by Love, Affection, Care, Sacrifice etc.. Any home which is not built on Godly characters will collapse for sure..

God's purpose of uniting man and woman is to bring out a Godly generation. Even if one of the partners derail from this purpose, the family focus gets  a beating bringing in chaos and pain.

So the starting or beginning is very important for a good happy family life. Starting involves right partners. Right people according to God's plan coming together as Life partners..

BOYS : Don't prioritize beauty over character, when it comes to seeking your life partner.

Not only Beauty, many boys and their parents are going after wealth, money, status etc without giving importance to God's plan, Godly character and values etc.. Most of these families are suffering with disputes, separation, addiction etc.. ending in hopeless living..

All that glitters is not gold is a popular saying. Man looks at the face. But God looks into the heart says a proverb. So it is safe to depend on God than to trust our eyes. Beauty is not permanent. So do not be deceived by the outward beauty..

GIRLS : Cultivate, Nurture and strengthen your Godly characters so that you'll be a real blessing to the family you step in.You are very very important in God's sight to build a Godly family.

Don't be concerned about the outward beauty of fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes. You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God.

Therefore work towards the status of adoring yourself with the Fruit of the Spirit "Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,gentleness, and self-control" which will give you the long lasting inner beauty that can bring in the charmth of Fresh grace of God in you and in your family. 

...................If wealth is lost, nothing is lost;

    ..... ...................If Health is lost, something is lost;

                          .................If Character is lost, Everything is lost...

So set your priorities right. It is better to live in poverty  than to live fighting and fighting in a bungalow. 

"GOD FIRST" should be your goal in life. 
All other things that you need in this life will follow with His protection and care...

Monday, June 20, 2011

Wickedness never brings stability

(Pro 12:3,NLT) Wickedness never brings stability,

People who follow wicked ways to establish themselves in the society flourish like anything with many people around to follow & help them.But look into the history.Similar people who were once strong are no more.Wickedness will never sustain a person & is only for a season.But those who depend on God will survive all seasons & difficulties of life.They will be more stable and strong without withering away.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Walking in Divine Favour

(Pro 12:2,TNIV) Good people obtain favor from the LORD, but He condemns those who devise wicked schemes.

Being good is essential but has got its own difficulties in this world.If u r bruised or hurt because of ur good deeds and words, don't think of shifting to following the worldly ways, quitting ur righteous living.Being good may not find favour with all the people around but certainly will get favour from the Lord all the time.Cheer up and keep going.

Focus on forever...

(Pro 11:30,NIV)The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life.

When we walk in ways pleasing to the Lord fulfilling His will, we may face lot of practical difficulties due to the corrupt nature of this world and the people. We may be put into hardships and our day to day living may even be difficult to pass.But if we withstand this, we will be blessed with eternal life.So don't be shortsighted.Focus on eternity and its joy. Ur sorrows will not bother u much.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Godly Family

(Pro 11:29,GNB) Those who bring trouble on their families will have nothing at the end.

Family is an important institution in the sight of God. It is a workshop where God nurtures His children in His values & principles. This is where we learn and experience the sacrificial love of God through our parents and are molded to follow the footsteps of Jesus. God is not pleased with those who create troubles in and against their families and they'll be ruined.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Don't trust ur riches

(Pro 11:28,NIrV) Those who trust in their riches will fall. But those who do right will be as healthy as a green leaf.
(Are you trusting your riches or wealth. Are you depending on your own understanding, experience or skill. Don't have over confidence in your own self. You are at huge risk. All these things are vulnerable and will fail you someday or other. Instead, if u put your trust on God and depend on His grace u will flourish like a green tree.)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Don't withhold the essential resources..

(Pro 11:26,NLT) People curse those who hoard their grain, but they bless the one who sells in time of need.

Don't withhold the essential resources during crisis with the intention of making more profit or to command respect or to execute revenge over ur traitors. Be liberal and faithful before God in using ur God given resources in times of need irrespective of the situations u are placed in. Blessings and honor come from ur Lord God. No man can stop it.

Monday, June 13, 2011


(Pro 11:25,GNB) Be generous, and you will be prosperous. Help others, and you will be helped.

What you sow is what you'll reap.If you are generous and kind to others, you shall be shown kindness.If you help others in need, you too will be helped in your times of need.

Give and it shall be given unto you. Be open and sow the seeds of your good deeds by helping others and give your best without expecting anything in return. When you are generous you will more friends and well wishers. You shall be a motivating force and a guiding light to others. Every act of generosity and help you do is a seed of blessing you sow for your future and it shall come back to you in multiple measures making you prosperous.

He who watches over you will never let you down and shall meet all your needs on time. He who is faithful to be a blessing in little things will be blessed and shall be lifted up to be a blessing in a bigger way. 

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Don't be stingy

(Pro 11:24,NLT) Give freely and become more wealthy; be stingy and lose everything.

All the properties, money and facilities that we enjoy in this world were given to us as a blessing from the Lord. Even if the legal rights are assigned to us as per law, we should remember "God is the real owner". You are blessed to be a blessing to others. So more you share your blessings, more you'll be blessed.

God loves a cheerful giver. Freely you received, freely you give. You will be blessed with the same measure you use to give others. Harvest depends on the seed. If you sow good quality seeds, you'll get a better harvest. The same way, when you give, whether it is your time, talent, resources, influence or hard work, learn to give your best, freely and whole heartedly. 

   Don't be stingy. Else you may loose even the little things you enjoy today. 

Friday, June 10, 2011

Being righteous

(Pro 11:20-21,GNB) The LORD hates evil-minded people, but loves those who do right. You can be sure that evil people will be punished, but the righteous will escape.

Don't follow the ways of the wicked. Don't trust the strong men of this world. Their ways and life may look very fertile and nice. But the end will be painful coz God hates them and will punish them. 
Put your trust only on JESUS and live a righteous life. Being righteous maybe difficult in this world. But God'll be pleased with you and shall bless you. So don't give up. The end will be glorious.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Get rich scheme & Godly reward

(Pro 11:18,NLT) Evil people get rich for the moment, but the reward of the godly will last.

Shortcut ways to be wealthy or get quick money schemes will bring wealth and success to a person within a short period but will never last long. These schemes don't have any biblical values and those who fall prey for these, knowingly or unknowingly become partakers of the evil ways. 
                       But those who are upright and work hard will have the lasting reward from God. Don't feel bad or be jealous of seeing the wicked and evil people who seems to have a golden run in life. They will wither away like a dry flower. Their wealth and status are not permanent. 
                      Instead look up to God. His blessings will add long lasting riches to His children. Continue your hard work and keep going in the righteous path.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Kindness rewards

(Pro 11:17,HCSB) A kind man benefits himself, but a cruel man brings disaster on himself.

Sometimes people may not realize the value of your kind act or take things for granted. But surely it rewards in the longer run; whereas cruelty or being unkind and ruthless will bring disaster to one's own life. Being kind to others all the time is not easy and needs a sacrificial and forgiving heart.This is possible only when we are filled with the Love of Christ.

Be KIND to one another. Don't be cruel. You cannot show kindness after leaving this world, even if you desperately wants to show.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Kindness # Not Wealth

(Pro 11:16,NIV) A kindhearted woman gains respect, but ruthless men gain only wealth.

Wealth accumulated will not be a permanent solution for this worldly needs and is not the real security for life even though it is essential for a comfortable living.Having a kind heart and being kind to others is more important than our achievement in wealth accumulation. People will remember us for our kind deeds. It adds more meaning to our life. So be kind to others.Don't be ruthless.