Thursday, March 22, 2012


(Psa 34:2) My soul will boast about the LORD. 

We are known for spreading the popularity of worldly leaders, big enterprises, famous brands and places. When we are impressed with the new gadget that we bought or when we are satisfied with the shopping experience in a big mall or place of stay or when we are energised by a wordly leader, we keep on talking about them to others. We boast about the greatness of that person or place or entity free of cost. It is a free advertisement and brand promotion we do.

But when it comes to speaking about JESUS, most of us or most of the time we all shun away or slip off or avoid talking. We feel either the topic 'JESUS' is not relevant to the crowd or we are afraid of getting cornered when we talk about JESUS. What a sad part of our life!

If only you realise the value of the greatest sacrifice anyone can do i.e THE SACRIFICE of JESUS, if only you realise what a great gift JESUS gave in your life by accepting you as HIS child, you will not feel shy to talk about HIM.

Only because of JESUS, you have a hope for eternity today. Do you know how precious this gift of salvation and the eligibility to heaven is? If so, don't stop. Keep on talking about JESUS to as many people as possible. Boast about the LORD to others. He alone is worthy!..WILL YOU?

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