Friday, March 9, 2012


 (Psa 33:2) Give thanks to the LORD with the lyre; Sing praises to Him with a harp of ten strings.

Our God is a great God and He alone is worthy of our praises. Look around to see the marvelous creation of God. Turn back and count the numerous blessings of God in your life. Simply amazing! Isn't your heart filled with praises for Him?

Are you still feeling shy to talk about the greatness of this God? When we don't feel bad or shy to talk about the numerous advertisements, products available in the market and our shopping experience to others, why is that we are trying to hide the goodness of God in our Life? 

Thank Him with a loud noise. Proclaim His greatness to this world with instruments and singing. May His name be lifted up and be glorified through you.

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