Saturday, March 17, 2012


(Psa 33:15) The One who formed their hearts understands everything they do.

Are you going through difficult situations because of misunderstandings? It is there at every level of life. Many a times we are caught off guard with this kind of problem and specially involving our dear ones? Thick friends part because of misunderstandings over trivial issues. Misunderstandings leads to confusions. Are you a victim of this 'missed understanding'?

Don't feel bad. Even Jesus was misunderstood by the religious leaders many times. Yet He didn't quit. He boldly moved forward to accomplish His goal.Today He is alive and is with you. Don't feel intimidated. Lift your head high and continue to live boldly. Others may not understand your words and feelings. But God understands you. What more do you need?

You have a long way to go and lots more to achieve.

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