Monday, March 19, 2012


(Psa 33:17) Don't count on your warhorse to give you victory - for all its 
strength, it cannot save you.

Horses may be powerful, attractive good looking and influential. It may be fast and smooth in taking us from one place to another and also helps the soldier to run through the enemies. But still, it has got its own limitations.

Which is your horse today? Is it education, skill set, knowledge, wealth, influential statuspower, authority, people etc.. Is these your war horses to achieve victory and success in life? Are you riding on these horses to accomplish your worldly ambitions and dreams?

It is good to have ambitions and pursue after it. But the point is, you can never trust them to reach your dreams. All these horses are prone to fail at critical times and many a times leading you into a trap even to the point of death. So be careful not to put your trust on them. 

Your trust should always be on JESUS who is your creator. It is He who can bless these horses to make you successful. He controls all these horses or situations. He is the ultimate source. So always look upto Him for help. HE WILL NEVER FAIL.

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