Saturday, April 30, 2011

Love Forgives

(Pro 10:12,HCSB) Hatred stirs up conflicts, but love covers all offenses.

(With problems everywhere, the prophecy of Jesus about the Last days has come true: Love will decrease. Yes, we are becoming more self-centered and selfish resulting in growing conflicts between individuals, families, communities and nations. We are obsessed with selfish ambitions and goals thereby missing the mark of Godliness and His characters. Kindness is one of the most important character of Jesus and a gift of the Holy Spirit. We don't have time for others, and we are simply stressing out our health to the extreme limits to fulfill our dreams. 

Children dying, poor and the needy being exploited; all for nurturing the selfish dreams of the wicked and strong men is continuously being ignored by the Children of God. We are not bothered even to pray for the same is totally a contradiction to the Christian life expected by God. We have hundred and one reasons for our self-centered life. Because of this Love is diminishing giving rise to hatredness further giving way to conflicts..

But, God loves everyone and we are expected to share His love with one another. Voice out for the oppressed, strive hard to bring peace in the society as peace makers is an important characteristic of a Child of God. Forgiveness will be there where there is true love. We may have to take the extra mile of sacrifice showing His love to others to forgive them and bring peace in the family, place of work, community, church etc.. It is not easy to do this. But still, when we do this, God's name is glorified. 

Freely you received, freely you give! 
Do u have His Love?

Friday, April 29, 2011

Life-giving Fountain

(Pro 10:11,NLT) The words of the godly are a life-giving fountain; the words of the wicked conceal violent intentions.

As a child of God you are so special. Every word of your mouth has power over life and death, because Jesus lives in you.

But the words of the wicked bring destruction, pain and agony. They are like sugar coated poison. Many who believed those words are still crying over their destruction. There is no life and are always aimed at bringing death or loss for selfish gains. Don't go along with the wicked for solving your crisis or earning wealth and profit. if you are partnering with the wicked, you will have life long pain.

Rather be a Godly person with Christ like qualities and let your words be full of grace, bringing life to the depressed and healing to the wounded. Being Godly may not give you all that you want, but will surely give you what you need in life. You will never lack the good in life according to God's plan and His riches. 

Be Blessed and be a Life-giving Fountain.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Don't follow Crooked paths.

(Pro 10:9,NLT)  People with integrity walk safely, but those who follow crooked paths will slip and fall.

Honesty is the best policy goes an English saying. What we do in our public life and to what extent we are honest in the secret determines our Integrity.If you are a person of Integrity,you might face some tough situations in this corrupt world. People may not accept us. They may mock at us or they'll try to ill-treat us.They may even be a stumbling block to our day to day affairs. But still, if you pursue further without giving up, you will have a solid and safe future blessed by God Himself. The growth may be slow. But surely it'll be steady and strong, well ordered by God.

Those who are crooked and try short cuts to quick elevation in life will surely get trapped and can even fall and perish. Those who are crooked in their thoughts and walks will get caught in their own cunningness. Initially they may grow fast and flourish well in the society. Everything will look strong and successful for them. 

But God's ways are always different. When we look around the recent developments in our country, it is shocking to see many many political and corporate big shots who adopted crooked ways to make money are landing into serious problems with the Law..

God gives protection and stability to those who are honest and straight forward. 
He sustains them and they'll walk safely.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Do not PRAT.

(Pro 10:8,KJV)The wise in heart will receive commandments:but a prating fool shall fall.

Empty vessels make more noise. Uncontrolled words can create havoc in a community sparking tensions and destruction. He who talks much will work less. Too much of talking can lead you into sin.

  • Don't be like a fool who goes around making tall claims using big words and fooling people. 
  • Don't be a reason for problems among families and friends because of your venomous words. 
  • Don't be a source of evil in the neighborhood or in the workplace spoiling the peace and future of innocent people. 

Your actions will speak much louder than words.Helping hands are better than praying lips goes a popular saying..Are you known for empty words and unwanted talking?  Talk less and listen more. Be a blessing to others. Encourage one another. But STOP PRATING.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Beware of the WICKED

(Pro 10:6,NLT) The godly are showered with blessings; the words of the wicked conceal violent intentions.

Beware of the wicked people.They may talk nicely. But their intentions are bad. Don't give company to them and share in their profits. Don't seek their help either. They may be proactive in coming to your help or to solve any problems with your colleagues, neighbors or foes. They might give big assurances for your protection and might  be a great motivation too.

Things may look fine and peaceful today. But their hidden intentions of violence will be seen only during conflicts and they show no mercy at that time. Violence will be re-paid by violence only. They will even turn against you and can go to the extent of doing physical harm in order to attain what they want. Don't play with danger.

Instead, stick to the Godly principles. God is the source of all your blessings and He alone can satisfy your needs. He can provide and protect you from all evil and shall also help you walk in righteousness. Instead of putting your trust on power, authority, wealth, status and other human beings, learn to put your trust in God. He is Omnipotent and nothing is impossible for Him. He will do the needful in the right time. 

If your ways are pleasing to Him, He'll be your guard and will shower you with blessings.

Monday, April 25, 2011


T(Pro 10:5,NLT) A wise youth harvests in the summer, but one who sleeps during harvest is a disgrace.

There is a time for everything and if we don't do the right things in the right time it will bring loss and disgrace to us.Moreover, the opportunity once lost, may not come back again. So, we need to be alert and should redeem the time.We are living in the last days and the end time harvest is ready.Jesus taught us to pray, asking God to send more workers for the bigger harvest.

You are chosen by God for this end time harvest. 

If you keep quiet now or if you ignore your responsibility of adding new souls into His Kingdom, you will be a disgrace to God. Don't be silent now. Don't be sleepy. Look up your eyes and see that the fields are ripe for harvest. 

People around the world are longing to know about the true God and are seeking and searching God in their own known ways. The world is desperate to know about their Saviour. Remember the sacrifice of JESUS for you and this world. Get into action. Show Christ to this world by your words and deeds. If you don't come today, who will go tomorrow? 


Sunday, April 24, 2011

JESUS: The Risen King

(Mat 28:6,NIV) He is not here;He has risen, just as He said. Come and see the place where He lay.

JESUS is not there in the grave. YES, He has RISEN as He said, while ministering in this world. He alone is trustworthy, because His words never fail. He conquered death and is the everlasting King. He is alive and all powerful now. Put your trust in Him alone to receive eternal life.Surely now you have hope for your future. So Rejoice and be Glad.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Stay out of HUNGER

(Pro 10:3,CEV) If you obey the LORD, you won't go hungry; if you are wicked, God won't let you have what you want. 

Our God is loving and caring. He is zealous to provide His children what they need and is always protective. He hates the wicked ways of people. But, when you live a life of  obedience to the Lord, He takes the responsibility to provide and protect you according to His plans and provisions. Obey the Lord and stay out of hunger.

Friday, April 22, 2011


(Pro 10:2,NIrV) Riches that are gained by sinning aren't worth anything. But doing what is right saves you from death.

Riches that come out of God's blessings only will last long. Quick Money will fade off quickly. Riches and wealth accumulated through illegal ways or using evil methods will bring curse and pain with it. Instead of trying short-cuts to make quick money, rely on the Lord for understanding and guidance. 

Do your part and work hard with honesty. Jesus was doing good and what was right when He was living in this world. He had to go through the painful process of suffering and death on the Cross, yet He rose from the grave victoriously, overcoming death.  He is the all powerful God and the everlasting King. 

He'll surely bless you with the blessings of this world and will also save you from eternal death. So, live a righteous life by doing good. Don't give up your Godly principles and never compromise on the Biblical values, even if u have to face hardships in this world.  
Without CROSS, there is no CROWN

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Make your parents happy.

(Pro 10:1,CEV) Children with good sense make their parents happy, but foolish children make them sad.

Before the eyes of God and the world, parents have an important place.Their sacrificial love, patience, selfless care and using their authority to correct us in our mistakes are reflection of God's love for us.It is our duty to make them happy.Are your parents happy over you? Making them happy by your Godly living and success could be a good gift to them?

Monday, April 18, 2011

To Gain Wisdom & Understanding...

(Pro 9:10,CEV) Respect and obey the LORD. This is the beginning of wisdom.To have understanding, u must know the Holy God.

Without wisdom and understanding,we cannot be successful in this world.But the source of wisdom is our Lord JESUS Himself.Anyone who respects Him and obeys His instructions will be blessed with Wisdom.The more we spent our time with His written word (BIBLE),the more we'll be enlightened to know Him clearly thereby increasing our understanding.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Don't advice everyone

(Pro 9:8,NIrV) Don't warn those who make fun of others. They will hate you. 

Be judicious. You cannot change or transform others from bad to good by your words. Only God can change them. Don't advice anyone and everyone for everything. Unless people value you, they'll not value your words. if they don't value you, every word you say will be an irritation to them and they'll only mock you or hate you.So don't be in a hurry to warn or rebuke others. Be wise to open your mouth. Right words in the right time is more important. Don't create an aversion among others to come to you thinking that you will never listen to them and you only want to advice them...

Friday, April 15, 2011

Don't be Childish!

(Pro 9:6,NIrV) Leave your childish ways and you will live.Walk in the way that leads to understanding.

Don't be childish. You need to grow from a child to an adult, filled and seasoned by the word of God.This spiritual growth involves spiritual discipline of feeding ur soul daily by spending time alone with God; reading, meditating and learning His word and by prayer. Only then your soul will prosper thereby prospering your worldly life. Are you spiritually disciplined?.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

JESUS the only way to Eternal Life

(Pro 8:35-36, GW) Whoever finds me finds life and obtains favor from the LORD.Whoever sins against me harms himself.All those who hate me love death.

(JESUS is the only way to eternal life.Anyone who is not with JESUS will end up in Eternal death.Finding JESUS and getting washed by His blood is only the beginning of this great journey towards Eternal Life.We should move away from the sinful nature of this world and grow closer towards the holiness of God everyday.)