Sunday, December 18, 2011


(Psa 22:28) For royal power belongs to the LORD. He rules all the nations.

This is a prophecy about JESUS. Jews expected Jesus to come as a King and deliver them from the hands of Romans. So they couldn't accept Jesus, when He came as an ordinary human being. They went to the extent of crucifying Him. Now they are lamenting and crying for JESUS to come back again.

Though JESUS was crucified according to the 
prophecies foretold about Him, though it looks like a defeat or a set back, the reality is He conquered death and overcame SIN. He won over the bondages of the devil and paved the way for the whole world to experience the real freedom. He has revived the Hope to the hopeless and has saved all those who believed in Him. These are the people who are going to rule with HIM and will spent their eternal life in Heaven..

Now, the whole world is getting ready for His coming. YES! He'll come back as the King of Kings, defeat satan and his armies to establish His kingdom in this world. Are you ready to face Him when CHRIST returns? Will you be seen with JESUS?

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