Thursday, December 8, 2011

Hope in Times of Trouble

(Psa 20:1)The LORD will answer you in times of trouble. 

We are living in uncertain times. Problems are there in everybody's life. No one is insulated from going through tough times, chaotic situations, pain, agony etc. These situations are there for both good and bad, righteous and unrighteous, saint and sinner.

But, as a Child of God, the greatest hope for us is JESUS Himself. He is there to help us all the time. He is never busy to listen to our prayers. All that we need to do during our times of trouble is to call unto Him before calling for help from other sources. Then He will make things perfect for you. He will take care of all your worries. He will surely answer you in times of your trouble.

Most of the time we don't call Him. We seek the help of fellow men, family and other sources thinking that He may not respond on time. But BIBLE says, He is always watching over us and He never fails. So learn to depend on HIM all the time..

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