Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Dwelling in the House of the Lord

December 27, WORD4ALL:  

(Psa 23:6) Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the LORD forever.

The world we live now and all that we earn, save, store and accumulate will pass away. All our achievements and the milestones crossed will fade away. The relationship and family will also go away.

The one and only thing that will stay forever is Eternity!!!

But, The greatest blessing of having JESUS as our Shepherd is the Eternal Life with Him. When you accept Him as your personal Saviour and Shepherd, He not only forgives your past mistakes, but also gives us the grace to live a Holy life. He dwells within us and fills us with His unfailing Love. 

He works in our life to make us Holy like Him and to be acceptable before God the father. Finally He takes us to be with Him forever. We can live in the house of the Lord forever.. What a great moment of Joy it'll be..

The glory that awaits us is no way equal to the sufferings we'd to undergo in this world. So, Be bold. Don't compromise. Keep going.. Your reward in Heaven is glorious!!!

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