Wednesday, December 28, 2011

We belong to GOD alone;

(Psa 24:1) The earth and everything it contains are the LORD's. The world and all who live in it are His.

God created this world and everything that is in this world were also created by Him. All the creations testify the greatness of God's wisdom. 

He created man in His own image and for a purpose. But unfortunately, man misused the liberty of decision making against the ways of God leading to sin and death.

Today satan is controlling the humanity by his deceptive ideas, desires and snares thereby keeping them under his bondage. But, God by His mercy sent His only son Jesus into this world to deliver us from the clutches of sin and satan and to enjoy a life of freedom.

Are you still under the bondage of satan? It's time to get delivered. You are destined for freedom in Christ and you belong to Him. You don't belong to this world or satan. Come to Christ. Get delivered and start living a free life in Him, living to the maximum according to the purpose of your creation.

Don't believe in the lies of the devil and don't allow yourself to be cheated again and again. Real LIFE is in CHRIST only. He is our creator and we rightfully belong to Him and Him alone.

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