Monday, December 5, 2011


(Psa 19:13) Keep your servant back from sins of pride. 

God honours the humble and is against those who are proud in heart. Pride makes us insensitive to God's word. Even if you listen to hundreds of messages, pride will make you numb to the edifying word of God. Pride will make us impatient. Tolerance will not be there. We may tend to become more arrogant. Our eyes will turn blind to many small as well as fatal mistakes we do. It will make us think that we are always right. It will make us critical of others all the time.

A proud person can never be corrected of his mistakes thereby leading to destruction. Remember, lucifer was thrown down from heaven because of his pride. king Nebuchadnezzar lost his kingdom because of his pride. King Herod was struck by the angel to death because he didn't give God the glory and started praising himself.

God hates the proud but gives grace to the humble. Get rid of your pride today and start enjoying your life in Christ by being humble. Only when we are humble, we can get God's grace to be free from SIN.

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