Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Pure within and without.

(Psa 19:14) May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.

What do you think about God, yourself and others? During the times of pain and agony, what were you confessing in your mind? We may put a good show outside, neatly dressed, giving a broad smile and talking pleasant words. People may be impressed with your manners and body languages. You may even be an inspiration to many others in adjusting and accommodating the unexpected happenings or disappointments by your kith and kin.

But deep inside you may be complaining, cribbing and cursing people. Even while you are shaking hands with a smile, your heart may be cursing or mocking the other person which is not seen outside.. BUT, be careful, God is watching that. He even knows our hidden intentions and attitudes. We cannot hide anything from God..

Sometimes we do negative confessions quite frequently . Are you a critic, tearing apart the performance of others and are you known for insulting others and making them feel miserable? Watch out..

God is an impartial Judge.. What you sow only you will reap. He repays according to our deeds and words..

Take a decision today. Make a covenant with your mouth and heart not to indulge in anything that is not pleasing and acceptable to God..

Check whether your thoughts and  words are pleasing to JESUS? 

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